10 Fascinating Amethyst Cave Facts That Will Make You Go Wow

INSIDE: You’ve probably heard that amethyst helps with stress and insomnia, but you probably didn’t know these fascinating facts about the amethyst cave. Read on and prepare to go “Wow!”

We’ve written many blogs about amethysts and particularly the amethyst geode, otherwise known as the amethyst cave or the amethyst cathedral. In doing so, we’ve shared a number of facts that are pretty darn fascinating.

So we thought it was about time that we compile those amazing facts into one article. Check it out and be prepared to be wowed! Here are 10 intriguing facts about the amethyst cave:

1) The Amethyst Cave Can Be Used in Every Area of the Feng Shui Bagua Map

An amethyst cave is one of the most versatile crystals, providing healing properties that support the mind, body, and spirit. That makes it a useful feng shui tool that can be used in every area of the home, office or room.

Here are some examples of how you can use an amethyst cave in every area of the Bagua map (for a more detailed look at this, visit our article: Amethyst Cluster Feng Shui Tips You Need to Know):

  • Career & Life Journey Area – Place an amethyst cave here to improve your meditation practice, boost mental concentration, and ignite a passion for fulfilling your life purpose.
  • Love & Relationships Area – Placing an amethyst cave in this area can provide a calm and relaxing atmosphere, a balance of pleasure and self-restraint, and it can promote loving emotions.
  • Family & Health Area – By placing an amethyst cave here, you can help release blame and guilt, let go of blocks that are hurting your family relationships, and connect with your ancestors of the past.
  • Wealth & Prosperity Area – The energy from an amethyst cave in this area can help you manifest what you desire and make decisions that bring you prosperity.
  • Center & Self Area – Place an amethyst cathedral in this area of the Bagua map to bring serenity to you and the space, and cleanse your energy system to promote wholeness.
  • Helpful People & Travel Area – By placing an amethyst in this area, you’ll be able to better tune into your intuition so you can receive the guidance you need to carry you through life with more ease and flow.
  • Children & Creativity Area – Placing an amethyst cave in this area can help cleanse your children and your inner child of negative energy.
  • Knowledge & Wisdom Area – You can place an amethyst geode in this area to bring serenity to the space, reduce stress, increase self love, and improve sleep.
  • Fame & Reputation Area – Place an amethyst cave in this area to improve self-acceptance and confidence so you can shine your unique light on the world.
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2) An Amethyst Cave Helps Promote Weight Loss

It’s pretty amazing that just being in the presence of an amethyst geode can help you lose weight, right? The name “amethyst” actually comes from the Greek word “amethystos,” which means “not intoxicated,” because it is known to provide self-restraint and prevent intoxication.

The same quality that makes amethyst helpful for keeping us sober is the same quality that can be used to help us restrain from things that would hinder our weight loss goals.

In addition to providing self-restraint, amethyst also helps to balance the body’s metabolism so that we can burn more calories. It helps balance the hormones, which can lead to weight gain when not balanced. Plus, amethyst has a cleansing and detoxifying quality that can help the body rid itself of toxins that hinder weight loss.

For more information on amethyst and weight loss, check out our article: 15 Amethyst Stone Benefits to Empower the Body, Mind & Spirit.

3) An Amethyst Cave Will Surround You With Love

amethyst and lvoe

Love is the most powerful of all emotions. It creates a positive energy shift in any place, situation, or relationship. It trumps fear, sadness, anger, and any other negative emotion. And it has the ability to make miracles happen.

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One of the most intriguing aspects of an amethyst geode is its ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. Who wouldn’t want that kind of power looking out for you, right?

Here’s an article that provides more information about amethysts and love: How to Use Your Large Geode for More Focus, Growth & Love.

4) Amethyst Caves are an Interesting Blend of Natural & Manmade

The process of how amethyst geodes are created is fascinating. The beautiful amethyst crystals that form inside of the amethyst cave are natural, but the outside of the geode is partially manmade.

The whole amethyst cave is created out of a bubble that develops inside flows of lava. Over many thousands of years, water carries minerals into the hardened lava cavity, and those minerals (silica and iron) grow into amethyst crystals. Some amethyst caves can be over a million years old and it’s quite an amazing process.

From there, the amethyst geode is carefully chiseled out of cave walls. Then they are cut open and cement is added to the outside to reinforce the amethyst geode walls and small repairs are made…

Click here to read this complete article.
Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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