15 Signs of Compatibility Between Partners

Happy couples have one common denominator–compatibility. If you’re not compatible with your partner, then you can’t expect that you’ll have a happy and healthy relationship. Just like your life, relationships go through phases.

Initially, you’re in the infant stage when it’s new and exciting. You’re learning and growing together and exploring the innermost parts of this person. As you’re together longer, you start to find out if you’re a good match and can keep going. If you’re incompatible, you’ll never reach the adult stage in your relationship.

Compatibility isn’t something one person must have, as it takes both parties to have these qualities to make a good connection. When your relationship is harmonious, you can live together, adapt to one another’s lifestyles, and be open to new ideas. If this crucial element is missing from your relationship, it can be disastrous.

15 Signs of Compatibility

How do you know if your relationship has what it takes to make it for the long haul? Are you meant to be together? Here are some signs that indicate you’re compatible.

1. Compatible Partners Share Similar Interests and Goals

Compatibility means that you both have similar interests and goals. You’re both going in the same direction. Wouldn’t it be miserable if you went in one direction and your partner in another?

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It’s often said that opposites attract. But how can you spend time together if you don’t like the same things? While you’re dreams and interests don’t have to mirror one another, they should at least be complementary.

2. Compatibility Means  You Are Free To Be Yourself

There are few things as bad as a fake person in a relationship. You want someone who allows you to be yourself without exception. You don’t have to change one thing when you’re with them.

You feel very free when you’re together. Compatibility means freedom to think, speak, and be who you are in this life. So many people are fake because they want to attract someone they believe is out of their league. Consequently, the foundation of your relationship must thrive on trust, and you must be honest with one another.

Many people turn to the internet to find love as their local options are limited. Interestingly, the Federal Trade Commission reported a loss of over $1.3 billion to romance scams in the past year.

Now, while your partner may be dating you in person and not on the internet, most people lure others with lies to make themselves seem more appealing. Individuals do this in real life and don’t need a screen to hide behind.

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3. Minor Arguments Are Resolved Amicably Between Compatible Partners

It’s only natural for couples to have minor arguments. According to The University of Alabama, a couple who doesn’t have disagreements means that someone isn’t being honest. You can’t expect to always get along with someone who will do and say things that upset you.

The difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships is the ability to settle the conflict amicably. The argument doesn’t escalate to exchanging harsh words, childish behavior, and going without speaking for days. You don’t need a third party to step in to resolve things, as happy couples have enough respect for one another that they want to work it out.

4. Compatibility Includes Physical Appeal

While some folks think you shouldn’t base your relationship on looks, it’s usually what attracts you to this person initially. Being compatible …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in powerofpositivity.com. All the rights of content are owned by powerofpositivity.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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