One Small Change You Can Make for a More Positive Life — Follow Your Own Rhythm

This might sound so simple that you’d think it’s not that important, but let me tell ya, IT IS.  Sometimes the smallest, most subtle shifts that we make can have the biggest, most transformative impact on our lives.

So what is this one small thing you can do to create a more positive life?

It lies in the power of your smile. 🙂 

A simple tool you always have in your toolbox and can use anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.  

Do you know how many times I’ve had people come up to me and tell me to “smile?”  And it’s not because I don’t smile enough, it’s because when I do, as opposed to when I don’t, it completely changes my face, my energy, and my approachability.

And people are attracted to the energy that smiling brings with it which is a sense of openness, positivity, warmth, and friendliness. 

So if you want to send out positive vibes to the world and uplift yourself and your environment, then all you gotta do is SMILE! It’s that simple.

Let’s do an exercise. Look at the picture below.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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