10 Toxic Habits that are Lowering Your Vibration (part 2) — Follow Your Own Rhythm

10.     Eating bad, chemically enhanced, genetically modified, and highly processed foods and animal products

The food that we have available to us today, especially in the United States, is questionable at best.   You can hardly get away from the altered, processed, enhanced, and modified foods.  Grocery stores and gas stations are full of toxic, processed foods, and mostly all restaurants, especially fast food and big chains, are full of low quality ingredients, chemically enhanced, genetically modified, and highly toxic foods EVEN if they claim to be “healthy” or “natural” or “sugar free” or “fat free” or “antibiotic free.”

Eating animals and animal products is also not only contributing to the animal cruelty taking place in slaughterhouses, torturing and murdering these innocent animals, but is horrible for your health. 

When you consume all of these toxic foods, what do you think happens to your body? Everything has to work over time to get rid of the poison. And eventually, your body get diseased in the form of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and so on because it can’t handle what you are putting in it.  Plus, eating meat is just bad karma, and very low vibe.  Watch how we treat animals in today’s world and maybe you’ll change your mind. 

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And needless to say, toxic food has very little or no nutritional value and your poor body has to figure our how to process it.  This is why you feel so lethargic and your stomach hurts after you eat McDonald’s or eat some fried chicken. Because it’s not good for you.  Your body is saying “NOOOO!”

We have to be conscious of what we eat, what we buy, and WHERE we buy. We can’t believe and trust the pretty pictures and slogans that advertisers strategically use to market their products, we have to find the truth for ourselves.  

Eat organic, limit the amount of times you eat out, stop consuming animal products, avoid processed foods, read labels and ingredients not just the ads on the front, buy local, avoid added hormones and additives, the less ingredients the better, the more it looks like it came from a tree or a plant the better, and start learning more about what’s in our food!  Basically, start eating a whole foods, plant-based diet.


The above list of 10 toxic habits to avoid are so interrelated that if you change one thing in your life, it will most likely shift other areas of your life as well because you are living your life with more intention and awareness.

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Just remember that anything that is not aligned with truth, love, connection, and compassion is going to lower your vibration.  Try to stay away from the above activities and habits and move into higher vibrational practices so that you can feel more joy, peace, and freedom in your life. 

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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