6 Herbs for Protection & Emotional Healing | Aglow Lifestyle

Is there anything herbs can’t do? They are wonderful for physical health, mental health, and spiritual well-being. 2021 is the year of protecting your energy and only letting in good vibes! This blog will cover everything you need to know about using herbs for protection and emotional healing, whether in dried or fresh form.

Why should I use herbs to protect myself?

There are certain types of herbs that can be used to protect yourself from negative energy, bad vibes, and lower entities.

You can also use herbs to clear the energy in your space and to increase the positive energy in your home or office.

If you feel overwhelmed, herbs can help balance and ground you back into reality by calming an overworked mind and body.

6 amazing herbs for protection

1. Garden sage

Sage is a popular herb to use because it naturally clears out negative energy from our surroundings.

You’ve probably used sage before – it eliminates offensive odors in old couches or even more offensive exes, but don’t think you can buy any old sage at the front desk of your nearest Walgreens. To make sure you are getting a quality product for this process, be sure to do some research and find out where you’re doing your shopping and what kind of supplement best fits your needs!

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Use sage in your rituals; just make sure it is garden-variety. While white sage can be substituted with many other plant varieties, overharvesting has made this a difficult task for most people.

How it’s used:

Sage is a plant that can be used for cleansing and purification, and it’s best used as an incense or dried bundles of sage that are burnt.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is a herb that offers emotional healing properties, even though it’s most commonly used for protection and cleansing. I recommend having some in your garden because of the scent – which can stimulate memory and make delicious focaccia – but also because of its love, healing, feminine power, and protection benefits.

The leaves of the Rosemary plant can be placed at your doorposts to provide protection, mixed into sweeping powder to cleanse a space of negative energy, or used in an incantation oil with which to bless oneself and one’s magical workings.

How it’s used:

Rosemary can be hung over doorways to protect the house. It can also be placed in floor sweeps for better energy flow through a space or used in ritual work oils.

3. Lavender

Lavender is amazing for its many benefits, including as a sleep aid and absorbing negative energies. A general rule of thumb with herbs is that they can be used in oils, powders, and ritual baths. Lavender has proven uses when making love spells as well.

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I love lavender because it helps calm me down when I’m feeling stressed or anxious, which often happens on busy days.

How it’s used:

Place a lavender sachet under your pillow to help you sleep or attract love into your life.

4. Rose

In the herbal world, rose has been considered to help heal and soothe the nervous system. You can make a tincture out of roses to help calm any trauma or emotional unease you are experiencing.

How it’s used:

You can use fresh petals in an evening bath, distill them into rosewater, make a love-attracting incense, or apply them for self-love and self-compassion.

5. Chamomile

Having chamomile plants in your garden can give you the same supportive and soothing properties as its human counterparts. This herb is great for luck, immunity, emotional support, and financial stability.

How it’s used:

You can use chamomile in herbal blends for anxiety, tinctures to relax your senses and mend a broken friendship. You can also put this plant to work pertaining abundance into your life.

6. Peppermint

If your vibes are unbalanced, peppermint is a great choice. Peppermint is great at healing your physical body, as well as your spiritual one. Peppermint can be used to protect your body from any negative energy around you.

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How it’s used:

You can use peppermint in your ritual baths and as a tea to cleanse yourself. You can also add this plant to your daily herbal blends to benefit from its fresh and uplifting scent.

Final thoughts

We hope you found this list of herbs for protection and emotional healing to be helpful. Not only do herbs provide a wide range of benefits, but they can also help in many different ways at the same time! If you have any questions about which herb would work best for your situation or how to use it, feel free to reach out. As always, we wish you the very best on your journey through life.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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