7 Struggles of a Free Spirit & How to Deal With Them | Aglow Lifestyle

Being a free spirit sounds fun, but it’s a lot of hard work. Being a free spirit isn’t just about being able to do what you want when you want. It’s also about making your own decisions and thinking for yourself instead of falling into the trap of societal expectations.

Being free is an exhausting experience that challenges the very idea of who humans are. In this world, it’s easy to follow the crowd. But being free requires courage, tenacity, and stubbornness.

I’ve laid out seven struggles that every free spirit will face in their journey for happiness and self-actualization.

7 struggles that free spirits face

1. You never feel like you fit in

We live in a world where fitting into a group is essential. We don’t want to be outcasts, so we seek the comfort of a community that will welcome us with open arms. The problem with this logic is that those communities are fickle and temporary.

Fitting into these groups can also lead to stagnation in your personal growth; you never get challenged to think outside what’s comfortable because you’re surrounded by people who have the same opinions as you on everything.

Free spirits find it hard to fit in with most people because they don’t have the same opinions, goals, and fears. This means that often there’s no common ground for conversation or connection.

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Free spirits can feel alienating and lonely as a result.

If this is you, don’t be disheartened. There are communities out there for free spirits who will appreciate your weirdness and individuality; you just need to find them.

2. Interest in too many different things

Free spirits are always growing. They never stop learning, loving, and evolving. This makes them more open-minded than most people because they constantly explore new things, ideas, and places.

Unfortunately, this means that it’s hard to build a foundation in one or two areas of life. It’s easy for free spirits to get distracted by their other interests and neglect career goals, friendships, and romantic relationships because those things don’t give instant gratification like learning about quantum physics does.

Free spirits sometimes feel guilty when they ignore commitments to focus on what excites them instead. But being able to do whatever you want is the best kind of happiness there is!

3. Find it hard to full commit

To be free, you have to commit to your freedom. This means saying no when someone tries to tie you down with expectations and responsibilities that don’t feel right to you.

It’s hard to do this day after day, but it’s the key ingredient in being happy and living a life of abundance. It’s also partially why free spirits can never stay in one place for too long; they’d instead find happiness than keep other people happy by staying where they are forever.

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This means that free spirits find it challenging to commit to full-time jobs, relationships, and places. Even if they do commit, it’s often a trial period for them because they keep looking for greener pastures outside the boundaries of their current circumstances.

Free spirits need to learn how to balance the commitment to their freedom with the benefits of committing to one thing.

4. You have to find the meaning in everything

Having your own answers challenges the very idea of society. We live in a world where we’re supposed to take what we’re told by our teachers, parents, and schools at face value.

This means you have to figure out for yourself why things are the way they are and how you fit into the universe as a whole. It’s confronting when you realize that no one can tell you what’s best for you except yourself.

The biggest mistake-free spirits make is assuming that everyone thinks like them. They start to impose their opinions and beliefs on others, leading to conflict when they disagree.

Free spirits need to learn that they have a unique perspective on the world, and it’s okay for everyone else not to share it – they have to respect other opinions as equally valid.

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5. Find it difficult to meet likeminded people

Free spirits are unique and don’t fit into traditional molds. While this makes them special, it’s also the root of their biggest challenge: finding friends who really get them.

It’s hard to make friends when you think and act in a completely different way than all the people you know. It can also be tough for free spirits to find like-minded partners who share their love of adventure and freedom.

This means that it’s common for free spirits to have few acquaintances or none at all. They may become socially reclusive, opting to spend their time alone rather than trying fruitlessly to connect with others.

As long as they don’t let being lonely affect them too much, free spirits should try meeting new people instead of shutting themselves off from the world.

6. You don’t tolerance closed-minded people

Free spirits need to expand their horizons to be happy continuously. They can’t do this without…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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