87 Powerful Affirmations for Manifesting a Job or New Career

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The job you do has a huge impact on your health and wellbeing, more than most people realise.

Most of us spend more of our time working than we do anything else, and so doing something you love and are passionate about is super important.

So if you’re looking to manifest a new job or career for this (or any other) reason using affirmations then you’re in the right place!

Among many other Law of Attraction techniques, using affirmations for manifesting a job can help you to get in alignment with your dream job and open up doors and opportunities where there weren’t any before.

The amazing thing about using affirmations for manifesting a job is that they don’t have to be time consuming.

You can easily weave job attracting affirmations into your morning routine or your day to day life, meaning you can attract new opportunities even if you’re busy in your current job. 

So if you’re curious to explore using job affirmations – keep reading. In this post I’ll be sharing some of the most powerful affirmations for manifesting a job so that you can get to doing something you love.

87 powerful affirmations for manifesting a new job

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Can you manifest a new job?

The short answer is yes – absolutely.

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The truth is you can ultimately manifest anything, job included.

Manifestation works on several Universal principles, all of which apply no matter what you’re trying to attract.

So if you have an ideal job in mind, know that it’s possible to make it your reality through manifestation.

Before we move onto using affirmations to attract a new job, I would actually recommend that you read this post on job manifestation so that you cover the fundamentals and can truly begin attracting the job you desire.

How to write affirmations for job manifestation

While I will be showing you some of my most powerful affirmations for manifesting a job or new career, I also think it’s important for you to have the basic skills to write your own affirmations for job manifestation.

The principles for writing affirmations remains the same regardless of your desire, but as a general rule of thumb here are some things you want to consider when writing your own job affirmations.

1. Get clear on what you desire

When writing affirmations to attract a desire, you want to get really clear on what exactly that desire is.

Sure, in this case you want to attract a job, right?

But what specifically does that job embody that you want to attract?

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Consider sitting down and reflecting on the following questions to get really clear before writing our affirmations:

  • What will the salary of my new job be?
  • What will my working environment be like?
  • What will my colleagues be like?
  • Where will my job be based?

Get into the nitty gritty details of the job that you desire so that you can begin writing affirmations that cover all of these bases.

That means that you will be affirming the specific job you want for yourself, rather than just attracting any old job.


Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in throughthephases.com. All the rights of content are owned by throughthephases.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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