Archangel Michael in the Reiki Session

The Archangels made their presence known to me soon after I began my Reiki journey. Although I had perceived the angels since childhood and sensed them as feathery comforting beings, I lacked a clear awareness of them until I started practicing Reiki. It was as if they were waiting for Reiki to open the channels of my ability to perceive them and benefit from their guidance and support.

The first Archangel to introduce himself was Michael.

He swooped in during a Reiki session with a client, holding a flaming sword and dressed in full regalia as if ready for battle. I was surprised and quite taken aback by his powerful and unexpected presence as my client lay peacefully (and blissfully unaware) on the Reiki table. Michael announced himself and explained that his dramatic entrance was deliberate so that I would be sure of his identity. After taking a moment to compose myself, Michael stated that he came to assist in my healing endeavors wherever necessary, especially by cutting energetic cords that interfere with one’s spiritual development and growth. Michael proceeded to remove unhealthy cords from my client, who continued lying quietly and peacefully on the table. And then he swept out as quickly as he arrived.

During the post-session discussion, my client described a powerful protective feeling that washed over her, followed by a sensation of lightness around her solar plexus area. Upon sharing my experience with her, she showed me her necklace of St. Michael the Archangel and said she often calls upon him for help and guidance. She wept as I described my encounter, stating, “It’s the answer to my prayers.”

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After that memorable session, it was as if the floodgates opened, and the Archangels and angels were in regular attendance in my Reiki space. Gabriel assists when the client needs help in receiving divine messages, and she advises me on how best to help the individual. Raphael often appears during sessions of those with health issues, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Raphael’s very presence is wonderfully healing, and Michael sometimes accompanies him. And Uriel works with clients who find themselves at a crossroads or are feeling stuck in their lives.

Archangel Michael in the Reiki Session

However, Michael’s presence in my sessions, and indeed, my life, has been the most frequent and impactful. His guidance extends far beyond the Reiki sessions, and my relationship with him has grown and deepened as we work together in the Light. Most of my clients are familiar with his presence during their Reiki sessions, and over time, they have also formed personal relationships with him. According to Michael, Reiki opens the necessary channels for divine guidance and allows for more efficient communication. Because of this, profound healing is more likely to occur.

Although Michael occasionally provides channeled information for clients through me, he has also given others a personal message for me. The first time it happened was…

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