Can You Manifest For Someone Else? (5 Steps)

If you’re wondering if you can manifest for someone else, the answer is yes. You can manifest for others, but it’s not exactly the same as manifesting something for yourself.

Read on to discover the necessary steps to manifest for other people.

Can you manifest for someone else?

Manifesting for others is not impossible, but it can be a bit more challenging than manifesting for yourself because you can’t control the most important components – desire, permission, and belief.

When you’re engaging in the manifestation process for yourself, these three components are naturally in alignment because you desire what you’re manifesting, you’re granting yourself permission to receive it, and you believe it’s possible.

With someone else, however, you may start from zero. And that’s a tough place to be!

Here’s more on each of the three components and how you can work with them when manifesting for others.

1. Desire

The first and most important component of manifestation is desire. You must have a strong desire for what you want to manifest.

This is tricky when manifesting for someone else because you can’t just impose your desires on them – that’s called manipulation, and it won’t work.

If the person you want to manifest for already has a strong desire for what you want to help them with – then you’re off to a good start!

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But if they don’t have a desire for it, then it could be an uphill battle.

One way to get around this is to find a way to help the person see how what you’re manifesting could benefit them.

If they can understand how it would improve their life, they may be more open to the idea and start to develop a desire for it themselves.

2. Permission

The second component of manifestation is permission.

Obviously, when you’re manifesting for yourself, you don’t need anyone’s permission but your own.

But when you’re manifesting for someone else, you do need their permission – otherwise, it could be invasive and even manipulative.

The best way to get someone’s permission to manifest for them is simply to ask them.

Be honest about what you’re doing and why, and give them the option to say no.

If they’re not comfortable with it, then it’s best to respect their wishes and not proceed.

This doesn’t have to be some intense or crazy revelation that you’re casting a magic spell on them or anything.

Think about how much of the time people tell others, “I’ll be praying for you”, or “thoughts and prayers.”

This is somewhat similar, is it not?

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You can simply say “I’m going to be sending you good vibes/thoughts and prayers that you get what you want”, or something to that effect.

If they say “okay, thank you” then boom – permission!

3. Belief

The third and final component of manifestation is belief.

In order to manifest something, you must believe that it’s possible.

When manifesting for yourself, this is (hopefully) not an issue because you know what you’re capable of, and you believe in your own ability to make things happen.

But when you’re manifesting something for someone else, you may run into the problem of them doubting they can have it.

For example, if you’re trying to manifest a new job for someone, they may not believe it’s possible because they’ve been unemployed for so long.

In this case, the best thing you can do is help them see the possibility.

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