The 12 Most Powerful Crystals for Healing Pain (Physical and Emotional)

Crystals for healing pain and emotional pain have been used, harnessed and connected to for thousands of years.

Both ancient cultures and modern-day creatives, scientists and esoteric and spiritual teachers have been and are aware of the healing power of crystals.

In Ancient Egypt, Egyptians were using lapis lazuli as a ‘dream stone’ to enhance dreams, memory and aid in dream recall.

Today, quartz crystals are used to power watches due to the electromagnetic qualities which harmonize to the natural world.

Many people recognize crystals metaphysical and healing properties and wear crystal pendants, bracelets and carry gems to protect them from harmful energies.

Crystals have a very protective, cleansing and empowering effect.

In this article we will be looking at the gemstones available for emotional healing and healing physical pain.

There is also a small section at the end on how to cleanse, charge and care for your crystals- for their best possible effect- if you aren’t already aware on how to do so.

“The key to growth is the introducing of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu

Healing and Crystal Consciousness

When you think of the best crystals for healing pain and emotional healing, it is easy to assume that they are separate and that we should look at the body and emotions as separate to the mind and spirit.

Crystals for Healing Pain post quote

Yet, the mind, body, spirit and emotions are all intrinsically connected, each having a profound effect on the others.

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In terms of crystal healing this is very beneficial! It means that working on one area will have a positive effect on others.

For example, releasing emotional pain can help ease physical ailments; unblocking mental patterns can have a powerful effect on emotion, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and treating physical pain can allow for the releasing of blocks and negative energy from the mental and emotional bodies.

Crystals affect the whole being. This whole being is the Self, and the self is essentially consciousness.

The power of crystals comes from the subtle and energetic healing properties contained within, they are formed from the vibrations emitted from the planets, stars and natural forces of the earth.

In other words, just as we are influenced and affected by the subtle energy of the sun, moon and other planets, so are crystals.

It is important to recognize this fact when looking towards crystals and gemstones for healing, as when you connected with them- you are connecting to the subtle energy contained.

Each gemstone has unique properties based in its astral, energetic and planetary influences. 

Best Crystals for Healing Pain

The two best crystals for pain relief are Malachite and Bloodstone.


Malachite is one of the best crystals for physical pain because it is a highly metaphysical stone.

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This means that it is physically powerful and effective due to its influences from ‘meta’ or the mind. All astral, etheric and subtle energies arise from mind, from consciousness.

It is easy to confuse the ‘ego’ or the Self with the collective and universal mind, yet they are not one and the same.

The ego is a part of the mind just as we use mind to think, feel, perceive and create our identity known as the Self.

But mind in terms of metaphysics refers to something above and beyond the ego or the individual reality we perceive and experience from. Mind is essentially consciousness.

So, in terms of the healing properties of Malachite, this means that the stone is formed from energetic influences which further go on to shape and create the healing effects it has when connected to physically.

How do you connect to a crystal or gemstone physically, you may be wondering?

If you are not already familiar and experienced with using crystals for health and well being, it is very simple to understand. Everything has an aura or an electromagnetic energy field.

This energy field is in a continuous state of interaction with all other natural forces (other people’s, animal’s and natural entities’ energy fields). It transmits, receives and gives out energy through subtle vibrations- the thoughts, feelings, impressions, emotions and beliefs within.

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For non human and animal living organisms like crystals, the subtle energy emitted is its astrological influences.

We know the sun and moon influence us, but what is often less accepted- particularly in western society- is the effect of the other planets.

Malachite is strongly influenced by the energies of Chiron, the ‘wounded healer.’ Chiron is not a planet, but an asteroid; however still holds great significance to life on earth.

Malachite is therefore great for pain relief because it helps alleviate pain on a soul or subtle level.

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