Crystals of Atlantis & Lemuria: Ancient Healing Tools We Can Still Use

INSIDE: Atlantis may be lost to the sea, but there are hints of its existence rising to the earth’s surface. Crystals of Atlantis exist in forms reminiscent of ancient ocean civilizations that transmit important lessons and warnings to help us traverse our world today.


The cataclysmic downfall of Atlantis has provided inspiration for us to take a look at our relationship to the earth and the great scientific and technological advances our brains can manifest. 

Many people don’t realize that the story of Atlantis first came into the written, human record via the Greek philosopher Plato. Once a civilization rich in land and water, the Atlanteans had uncanny psychic abilities that they honed with the power and aid of crystals. 

In his writing, Plato claimed that Egyptian priests had passed along the story, detailed in hieroglyphs found in Egyptian temples and oral traditions.

Historians speculate that Plato’s Atlantis may have been a creative metaphor he imagined to pass along philosophical lessons in morality, mortality, and man’s corrupt machinations.

Myth or history, the Atlantean civilization bore a lesson crucial to heed in modern times. The society of Atlantis not only gained expertise in crystal technology, but it also grew arrogant in the ability to wield technology for Atlantis’s gain. This led to its implosion, collapse, and destruction.

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Today, some people feel a spiritual connection to Atlantis so deep that they mourn the loss of this civilization. These people may be Atlantean starseeds, sent through time and alternate dimensions to try to guide Earth’s current population.

They bear messages of how to harness technology in a balanced way. While humans have been gifted with great intelligence to discover new advanced uses for technology, we have to listen and learn the limits of technology and the immense gifts of nature that Atlantis revealed.

These gifts come in the form of crystals of Atlantis. While Atlantean starseeds have a rich relationship to these stones, anyone can learn to commune with the crystals believed to be left behind by the Atlantean civilization.

Let’s learn about the great crystals that propelled Atlantis forward and ultimately disappeared with the civilization, as well as those that have found their way to the earth’s surface as talismans for our modern societies.

Lemurian Quartz

The Lost, Mystical Stones of Atlantis

The crystals of Atlantis that were largely lost to the sea came in a variety of colors and shapes. They emitted frequencies linked with the geometric plane that created harmonic dimensions in consort with other structures believed to have celestial roots, like the pyramids. 

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These stones have disappeared thus far from our human plane, but their powers still resonate through energy frequencies and other Atlantean crystals.

Atlantean Seed Crystals

In the ancient civilization of Atlantis, crystals grew in abundance, like plants here on Earth. Atlantean Seed Crystals were especially prominent.

These flawless crystals, believed to be a type of Quartz, couriered energies between important geometric nodes on the earth’s surface – e.g., the pyramids.

Atlantean Seed Crystals helped amplify and evenly disperse these powerful frequencies to safely transmit them over through the air.

Atlantean Record Keepers

To call Atlantean Record Keepers “lost” is a tad inaccurate. Some Atlantean starseeds attest to having Atlantean Record Keeper crystals, but there have also been plenty of hoax stones found as well.

Whether these crystals of Atlantis do exist on the planet now or not, Atlantean Record Keepers protect the Akashic record that tells the true story of Atlantis. Through open, accepting meditation, some people have accessed parts of this record.

The information shared from Atlantean Record Keepers is rarely the full story of Atlantis but rather bits and pieces of the story that can provide guidance to different users. However, anyone who attempts to meditate with these crystals has to do so without expectation or judgment to be gifted with even an atom of wisdom from Atlantis.

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Lemurian Seed Crystals

The Tuaoi Stone

Of all the crystals of Atlantis, the Tuaoi Stone or Great Crystal held the greatest energetic power over the Atlanteans. Also known as the Firestone, this massive cylindric, prismatic stone generated ethereal energy that both fueled the Atlanteans and eventually destroyed their society.

The Tuaoi Stone took a prominent place in Atlantis, housed in a special ovular building that promoted its ability to ingest solar, lunar, stellar, and earthly frequencies and forces.

Through this stored energy, Atlanteans learned that it could nourish their bodies and extend their lives by hundreds of years, all while maintaining youthful vitality.

3 Crystals of Atlantis & Lemuria We Still Have Access to Today

While the crystals above have been dubiously uncovered or accessed on Earth so far, the following crystals of Atlantis, and another lost civilization called Lemuria, have…

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