The Meaning and Healing Properties of Desert Rose Crystals

In today’s article, we are going to talk about the Desert Rose crystal and its properties, benefits, and variety of uses. 

The name of this crystal is pretty self-explanatory as this semiprecious rock comes mostly from deserts – Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. 

Desert Rose crystal is mostly selenite gypsum and it occurs naturally. 

It’s the combination of Selenite and Barite and it forms through a simple process of moisture condensation.  

When the Selenite clusters together it creates a mass, and this mass is subjected to wind, sand, and erosion, and thus the Desert Rose is formed. 

The crystal itself looks like a cluster made up of smaller pieces, basically like another form of a cactus found in deserts, only more sparkly. 

These clusters have been recorded up to 99cm (39 inches) tall and weighing more than 453kg (1000lbs). 

Desert Rose clusters of these proportions are rare and highly valuable to collectors. 

That being said, these geodes are usually broken down into smaller pieces that highly resemble rosebuds and then are then sold in singular units. 

What Is The Desert Rose Crystal Meaning?

The Desert Rose Crystal Meaning

This crystal is also called the Sand Rose, Selenite Rose, and less commonly Gypsum Rose. 

Since this crystal is found in deserts and completely void of water regions, it’s believed that each one contains a unique spirit guardian.

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And since it’s basically a form of Selenite, this crystal is highly connected to the Lunar mansion that holds a variety of guardian angels and spirit guides who help the inhabitants of our planet. 

This crystal has been used as a talisman for protection and shielding from phobias. 

It’s also said that it boosts confidence and belief in oneself. It helps humans feel the presence and the support of their guardian angels and spirits. 

The main Desert Rose crystal meanings are around its cleansing and protective properties as well as enhancing confidence in its wearer. 

This unique crystal also has the power to recharge any crystals placed on top of it or next to it. 

This extraordinary crystal is the combination of sand, wind, and water, and as such it holds three out of the four basic elements in it. 

This is highly unique and peculiar, and as such, it can connect with Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, and Crown chakras and boost their opening and optimal working. 

Desert Rose Crystal Properties

Desert Rose crystal is infamous for enhancing psychic abilities through dreams and past-life recall. 

This crystal is very useful for people who practice shamanistic and spiritual practices (like Reiki, Theta Healing, and PEAT for example). 

Desert Rose cleanses and activates Crown chakra and the pineal gland, which is essential for past-life regression, astral travel, and enlightenment. 

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1. Vibration Raising and Higher Truth attunement 

It raises the vibration of everyone and everything near it, and awoken individuals know how very important this is, especially in the 3D world where our natural vibration is already lowered by inhabiting the suit of flesh. 

This crystal helps us get back into the higher states of consciousness, be aware of the higher dimensions and existence of more than what our limited senses perceive. 

It helps us be attuned to the higher truth and in tune with our higher purpose. 

2. Balance restoring and awareness raising 

Restores balance within the chakras and influences the overall wellbeing of our “meat suit.” 

Through the balancing and optimization of our chakras, Desert Rose crystal influences the overall state of the body and it helps with physical manifestations of the symptoms that are narrowly connected to the metaphysical root of the problem. 

This stone is very precious not because of its valuable minerals and materials, but because it has the ability to raise awareness of the multidimensional existence. 

It helps us be aware of the layers of reality and that leads to not taking ourselves so seriously all the time, it positively affects our overall mood and improves our sense of humor. 

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3. Soothing and mind-calming 

Soothing and mind-calming properties of the Desert Rose crystal

One of the helpful Desert Rose crystal properties is it quiets the worries and anxious thoughts. 

It embodies strength and it is a symbol of standing your ground. 

Desert Rose inspires heart-centered thoughts and compassion, and it brings clarity to understanding one’s own emotional body. 

Desert Rose enhances the proper flow of universal life force, it aligns the cosmic currents to your own biorhythm which strengthens devotion and commitment between you and your loved ones. 

Desert Rose crystal is an excellent tool to calm down rowdy households and subdue frequent rows between the housemates.

It balances out forces and unique energies creating an even pool of calm energies. 

Desert Rose brings out…

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