Grids, Pendulums and Gemstones : How to Use Crystals for Manifesting?

Looking to gain a deeper understanding of crystals and gemstones? In this post, discover the complete guide for how to use crystals for energy protection, inner healing, manifestation, and more.

How to Use Crystals for Manifesting : Crystal Grids, Pendulums, Gemstones and More?

If you’re anything like me when I was first learning about crystals, you may feel a natural pull towards crystals and gemstones, but you’re not entirely sure what exactly to do with them.

I approached my journey with crystals assuming they were probably really complicated to use and that I had to have some kind of special power to make them work for me. However, all it took was a few Google searches and a trip to the local bookstore to realize that I’d been way off in this assumption.

I didn’t have to possess any superpowers to work with crystals.

I just needed to have an open mind, an open heart, and the willingness to trust and believe.

If you’re looking to incorporate crystals in your daily life, I’ve included everything you need to get started below: how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals, plus how to use crystal grids and pendulums.

I’ve also included a section on using crystals for manifestation as well as the best crystals for beginners. Finally, throughout this post, you’ll find links to crystals and accessories you can purchase today.

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It may seem like an overwhelming amount of information at first, but I’ve simplified it into the most basic steps. And I promise, once you get started, you’ll find that using crystals and gemstones in your daily life is very easy. In fact, once you begin experiencing their profound transformational power, you’ll wonder why you ever waited so long to start.

How to Cleanse Crystals?

When you first purchase or receive a crystal, it’s likely touched many hands before you. It may have had a previous owner, or it has traveled long distances in a shipping container. However your crystal comes to you, you can bet that it still holds the energy of the people and places it’s seen.

That’s why cleansing your crystals after you receive them is so important. By cleansing your crystal, you’re starting with a blank energy slate, and you can then intentionally program it with your own positive energy.

Additionally, you should cleanse your crystal regularly, especially if it’s part of a piece of jewelry you wear often or if it’s one that you carry with you throughout the day. Your crystals continue to hold and store energy, and if they’re holding onto too much energy, they start to lose their effectiveness.

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Cleansing your crystals releases this energy and allows them to be fully effective for you.

Luckily, cleansing crystals is easy. Use any of the methods below for cleansing your crystals and releasing trapped and stored energy within.

Sage: Using a firesafe bowl or abalone shell to catch any burning embers and/or ash, light your sage and immerse the crystal in the smoke for thirty to sixty seconds. While you can do this anywhere, I prefer to do this either outside or near an open window. On top of safety reasons, it allows any negative energy to rise and disappear into the air, ensuring it doesn’t remain in your sacred space. (You …


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