How the Law of Rhythm Influences Your Daily Life?

The Law of Rhythm is all about cycles and perpetual movement. By understanding the Law of Rhythm, you can see how cycles play out in your daily life and release resistance to changes that unfold in your world.

In this post, dive deeper into the Law of Rhythm and how it can affect your life when experiencing stress, hardships, and other difficulties. Plus, get journal prompts to help you gain a deeper insight into the cycles that play out in your own life.

How the Law of Rhythm Influences Your Daily Life?

Everything in the universe is a cycle. The seasons. The moon. Your breath. You.

Nothing stays in one state forever.

These are the words I write in my journal in the early hours of a spring morning as the sun begins to rise, painting hints of pink across the sleepy blue sky. This, too, is a cycle, I think. The sun rising and setting, making space for the moon.

What is The Law of Rhythm?

From morning to night, dawn to dusk, and sunrise to sunset, each day’s cycle is perfect, measurable, and consistent.

I’ve been thinking about the 12 Laws of the Universe a lot lately, but this one has been at the forefront of my mind for some time: the Law of Rhythm, which states that everything comes in cycles, and nothing stays in one state forever.

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As I walk through my day, I search for cycles in places where I hadn’t noticed them before.

For instance, the squirrels that visit the backyard are never there in the morning, but I can always count on them to make an appearance around noon, when they decide to search through the grass for hidden treats.

And every month, I experience a burst of energy for several days in a row that has me doing, creating, building, and writing for hours at a time.

Just yesterday, I was in the shower when a scene for the fiction story I’ve been working on started playing in my head. I saw every detail, and I heard the characters speaking like I’d unknowingly hit “play” on the remote control in my mind. The movie unfolded from behind my eyelids in dazzling color.

And it didn’t stop there; a second scene started playing, too.

I rushed out of the shower and pulled up a blank Google Doc to frantically type it all up before I forgot. Several pages of single-spaced lines quickly filled the white screen.

Afterwards, I worked on a 3,000+ word blog article, then did some more creative writing in the evening. I woke up this morning and continued writing. And now, I’m here at my laptop, writing again. I am currently in an energized flow state. It feels exciting and invigorating, like the cells beneath my skin are all dancing in exuberance.

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But I know that it won’t last forever. This isn’t pessimism; this is part of the cycle. And the cycle, I’ve learned, is a good thing.

In a few days, I’ll reach a point when the inspired ideas pause. I used to think there was something inherently wrong about this – like I had done something wrong to bring this state upon myself.

But there is nothing wrong in surrendering to the pause. In fact, this is exactly right.

So I’ll step back, let go, and allow myself to take a break until the inspired ideas return once more – which, they always do.

This is my personal cycle: energized creating and restful pauses. Neither is better …

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