How To Become A Witch – 12 Illusive Tips From An Actual Witch | Welcome To Wicca Now

“Some find their home in the Witches’ Craft, Touching magick, drawing down the moon and wielding power, But each must seek and find their path, Is this your way, is this your hour?”

I Am a Witch” by Amber K

How To Begin Your Journey Into Witchcraft – A Magickal Guide For Beginners

‘Merry Meet’ – That’s a traditional greeting amongst witches – we’re so glad you found us! As some of you may already know Wicca Now is a place where Amaria and I write all about witchcraft, magick and Wicca. Lately, we’ve been writing about moon magick, water magick and kitchen witchery and today I thought we’d cover another popular topic, namely how to become a witch.

The first thing that any baby witch or person curious about witchcraft needs to know is that pretty much everything you’ve seen television or in the movies about witches is wrong. The witches you see in the movies are pure fantasy, they are the make-believe creations of a clever scriptwriters mind and bear little resemblance to real-life witches. Witches (as far as I know) are not able to fly on broomsticks, turn princes into frogs or dust into diamonds. You might be disappointed to read this but it is the truth and from experience, the truth is always the best place to start.

Both Amaria and I define ourselves as witches so you can be sure that this information is coming straight from a reputable source, however, the world of modern witchcraft is so diverse there may be those who disagree with what we have to say and others still who would tell you a completely different story about witches and witchcraft and swear upon its truth. This is perfectly fine and the choice of whom to believe or not is yours. To walk the way of witchcraft requires one to be an explorer and as with all adventures, not knowing the final destination, and instead, finding joy in the journey itself is what makes it interesting.

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As a beginner witch, you can be sure of one thing: there is no One True Way to be a witch. Witchcraft is no place for dogmatics and if you happen upon a witch who tries to enforce his or her rules upon you my advice would be to run. What witchcraft IS is a place of Freedom and Diversity. It is a place where spirituality and the Craft (the art and science of magick) meet. It is a place where you can learn about yourself, express your creativity and connect with your higher self. The world of witchcraft is colourful, diverse, magickal and available to all those who seek it.

How To Become A Witch - 9 Magickal Tips To Get You Started

Why Do You Want To Become A Witch?

There are so many reasons you might feel drawn to witchcraft. Maybe you’ve always felt drawn to mystical and magickal stories, felt a connection to the gods and goddesses you learned about during history lessons or felt intuitively connected to nature and the rhythm of her cycles (the seasons, the tides, the phases of the moon). Perhaps you’ve experienced synchronicities in your life, things that made no logical sense but seemed to happen for a reason.

You might have family or historical connections to witchcraft or to magickal ways of being. You may feel drawn to Pagan or Wiccan rituals and beliefs. You might like to explore your power as a female, as a male or in whatever form you choose. You might have a curiosity about the deeper mysteries of the universe and about the laws of attraction, manifestation and healing. You might feel misplaced within your current perception of reality and be seeking to find new ways of understanding the world around you.

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Whatever your reason for choosing to express interest in witchcraft the choice is yours to make and you are also free to change your mind at any time.

hands cupping world with crystals around it for how to become a witch

The Wrong Reasons For Deciding To Become A Witch

For as many wonderful reasons there are to choose witchcraft there are also, in my opinion, just as many wrong reasons for choosing the Craft.

Witchcraft is not a way to make yourself more ‘special’ (you are already special and unique), it is not a tool for impressing people or for making yourself feel better than others. It is not a tool for acquiring power or influence (although some use it as such in the form of black magic) nor is it an easy way to get what you want. Witchcraft will not allow you to simply manifest your desires with the shake of a wand. Become aware of your motivations before choosing the path. Understand your own desires and know what it is that you seek.

Please also keep in mind that there are many dishonest people, including those who call themselves witches, who might attempt to scam you. Some people use spirituality and witchcraft as part of a scam to get your money, acquire power over you or influence you into doing things you might not feel inclined to do. Keep your wits about you and trust your intuition when it comes to these matters. Anyone can start a coven or call themselves a witch. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they have your best interest at heart.

moon in eye with stars

The Rewards…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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