How to find peace during times of worry and uncertainty to make life FLOW — Follow Your Own Rhythm

I call this method the “Trust Life Method” and the KEY word here is TRUST (not Life).  Don’t get hung up on the word Life as you can replace it with whatever resonates with you more such as God, the Universe, the Divine.)

Here is a breakdown of how the method works and what to do:  

When in an uncertain situation that is making you worry, you have to pay attention to your thoughts in that moment and see if you are ruminating on what if’s and possible negative outcomes.  

Are you thinking about all of the bad that can happen?

Are you replaying stories in your head of all that can go wrong making you fearful?

I want you to pay attention to your thoughts the next time that you are stressing or worrying about something. 

For example, if you have an upcoming job interview, do not focus your attention on what if you embarrass yourself, say the wrong thing, or don’t get the job.   Also, don’t stress about small details such as “what if I get lost, what if I don’t find the building, what if I am late.”  Your thoughts need to be positive in nature. 

This might sound really obvious, but this is what we do when we stress about future events.  We think about all of the different horrifying scenarios that can happen which is what creates the anxiety and worry we feel in the first place.  It’s all about our thoughts and what we focus our energy on. 

See also  5 Keys to Radiant Self-Confidence — Follow Your Own Rhythm

So you need to STOP those thoughts.  It really IS that simple.  You just simply say to yourself “no, I am not going to think about all of the what if’s, unknowns, and negative scenarios.”

And then you need to shift your focus and energy from fear, worry, and panic to trust, connection, and peace. 

In other words, you have to TRUST IN THE PROCESS. 

You have to make peace with the fact that you have no idea of how things will turn out.  And because of this you need to MAKE YOURSELF not think about what if’s. 

Then, you have to trust that everything will be okay.  Because it will.

You have to trust that life and the universe will align for you and make good things happen. 

Just simply say to yourself “I trust the process.  I trust that things will work out just fine and there is no need to worry.  I trust that Life, with its mysteriously magical intelligence and wisdom, has my back.” 

You have to also trust that even if things don’t turn out exactly as you had hoped, that you will find a way to deal with it.  You have to trust yourself and your abilities.  You have to trust that solutions and answers will come to you when you need it, and that you will find the strength and courage within yourself to get through it.  You also should trust that if things don’t happen the way you had hoped or imagined, that you are still on the right path, being redirected to something even more beautiful.

See also  How to Connect with Your Highest Self & Unleash Your Inner Power | Aglow Lifestyle

Life is on your side.  When you connect to your own wisdom and truth, you connect to the Higher wisdom and truth of the universe, and that is when things align.

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