15 insightful questions to identify your FEARS — Follow Your Own Rhythm

Bringing them to the surface allows you to interpret them from an adult’s mind and from a higher perspective to see how illogical and irrational the fear is.  A lot of times, this conscious perspective of the fear is all you need to eradicate it.  

Other times, however, the fear is more deeply programmed and you need to do more work.  You need to go deeper into the fear and find out its source and then tackle it from that angle. 

Sometimes it helps to hire a professional to help you process the pain, and sometimes all you need is to actually DO what scares you most so you can get comfortable and skilled at doing it.

Scared of rejection? Put yourself in a position to get rejected.  Get comfortable with the feelings it creates and process them as you go. 

Scared of the ocean? Get out there and get comfortable with being in the ocean.

Scared of dancing in public? Take a class, get good, and start practicing in public.  

Doing what you’re most scared of doing, and then doing it over and over again, will not only help you become more comfortable with it, but you will gain the skills, experience, and confidence to deal with it effectively.  

See also  How Your Point of View Creates Your Reality…and How to Fix It

If you need help getting out of your comfort zone, check out my blog post on 3 tips that will make it easier to get your comfort zone!

But before you can do any of that, you need to first IDENTIFY what your actual fears are.  You need to bring them to the light.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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