How To Manifest Karma On Someone (3 Steps)

When someone has done you wrong, it can be tempting to manifest karma to get them back for what they’ve done. But is this a good idea? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using the law of attraction to manifest karma on someone.

Pros to manifesting karma on someone

There are a few potential benefits to manifesting karma on someone.

First, it can be satisfying to see them get what they deserve.

If they’ve been harming you or others, then it can feel good to see them suffer some consequences.

After all, they’ve been harming you, so why shouldn’t you harm them back?

Second, it can motivate them to change their ways.

If they see that their bad deeds result in bad consequences, they may be more likely to change and do better.

This can ultimately lead to a better life for you, them, and everyone else in their orbit.

Another potential benefit is that it can prevent them from harming others in the future.

If they know that their actions will result in bad karma, they may be less likely to do those things.

This can create a safer and more positive world for everyone.

While these are great reasons to manifest karma on someone, let’s consider the potential negatives.

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Cons to manifesting karma on someone

There are also some potential downsides to consider before you start trying to manifest karma on someone.

First, it’s important to remember that what goes around comes around.

If you harm someone, even if it’s in the name of karma, you will ultimately suffer the consequences as well.

This can create a never-ending cycle of violence and harm that only leads to more suffering.

Second, it’s important to consider the victim’s innocent family and friends.

If you manifest karma on someone, it will likely affect the people around them.

Their loved ones will suffer because of your actions, even though they didn’t do anything wrong.

This can cause a lot of pain and hardship that could have been avoided.

Finally, using manifestation to cause harm to someone automatically means that you are manifesting from a place of low vibration, lack, anger, frustration, and just overall negativity.

This is generally not a good idea because you are sending signals to the Universe that you want to attract more of this into your life.

And you will ultimately wind up worse off than you started.

The safe way to manifest karma on someone

Now that you understand how manifestation works, you may be wondering if there is a safe way to use it to get back at someone who has crossed you.

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The truth is, there is no guaranteed safe way to do this.

However, there is one approach you can take to set things on the right path without risking as many consequences.

That is to put it in the Universe’s hands completely.

Now, it may be tempting to try to manifest specific outcomes. But that’s not the approach a true high-vibe person takes.

For example, let’s say that your partner cheated on you and hurt you deeply, foregoing the promise and commitment they made to you.

You’re angry, hurt, and want to manifest karma to them.

So, you are tempted to ask the Universe to make them feel the same pain that you feel, to have their life fall apart the way yours has, or even to get sick.

But this is not how a high-vibe person would approach the situation.

Instead, they would say something like this:

“I release this situation completely to the Universe. I …


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