How To Manifest Weight Loss With The Scripting Technique

If you’re looking for a fun, easy, effective way to manifest weight loss, you need to try the law of attraction scripting method! You can use it to manifest anything in your life, including weight loss.

Even if you’ve struggled with managing your weight or losing weight in the past, the scripting method can help!

Weight loss is so easy using this technique because of its uplifting, positive nature.

I’m going to share with you the exact steps to use scripting for manifesting your dream body.

You’ll be so pleased with your results.


Let’s dive in!

Can I use the law of attraction to lose weight?

Yes, you can use the law of attraction to reach your ideal weight.

At its core, the law of attraction is all about intentions, positive thought, belief, and willingness to pay attention.

It’s really as simple as that!

Countless people have used the law of attraction to manifest money, love, and in my case — even weight loss!

Read on to learn more about how to lose weight with the scripting method.

What is the law of attraction scripting method?

Let’s start with the basics – what is scripting, exactly?

Scripting is nothing more than fancy term for “journaling”, really.

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But it’s more fun, creative, and helpful to think about scripting as writing a letter to the universe, or writing the script to the screenplay of your ideal reality!

Position yourself as a writer or showrunner, and you get to create the perfect scene that represents everything you want to experience or feel in your life.

You are the start of the show and this movie is 100% about your dreams and desires!

What makes the scripting so powerful and effective is that you will write the script as if your desire has already happened.

And, you write from a positive point of view.

So in your case with manifesting your dream body, you don’t want to write a letter of complaint about how fat you are and how you want to lose weight.

You want to pick a positive scenario where you imagine you’re living in your hot, slim body and experiencing something that you deeply desire!

I’ll share an example of how this might look in the next section.

Sample scripting visualization for weight loss

So, let’s say you want to manifest a fifty-pound weight loss.

You don’t just want to “manifest losing fifty pounds”, do you?

Heck no!

Maybe you imagine getting dressed to go to a pool party on a hot summer day.

See also  How to Manifest Weight Loss With the Right Law of Attraction Techniques?

You style your hair, put on your makeup, and slip into your brand new sparkling gold bikini.

The swimsuit fits perfectly, it looks great on you!

You admire yourself in the mirror – checking out how slim you are.

You feel so good about yourself!

So confident, so happy, so healthy.

When you arrive at the party and everybody is complimenting you on how amazing you look!

It feels incredible to get so much positive attention, and you know you deserve it.

And what’s even better, so many attractive people express interest in getting to know you better.

And that’s not all — other people are asking you for tips and advice on how they can slim down, tone up, and be as healthy and vibrant and beautiful as you, too!

Can’t you see and feel this experience?

Keep that same energy when you write your scripting letter.

It’s absolutely crucial.

How does scripting help you manifest weight loss?

If you’re skeptical of the law of attraction in the first place, you …

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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