How To Practice Gratitude (For Law Of Attraction)

In this article, learn how to practice gratitude, with special emphasis on how gratitude can help you in the Law of Attraction as you set out to manifest your dreams and desires. Discover powerful methods, tips, and more to help you vibrate at the frequency of sincere gratitude and love today.

How To Practice Gratitude (For Law Of Attraction)

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

The foundation of the Law of Attraction is the idea that the energy you put out into the world is what you get back in return. This is intrinsically tied to the concept of manifestation, which is when you intentionally put out the energy of what you want to receive more of in your life. In manifestation terms, you’ll hear this referred to as vibrating at the frequency of your desires.

For instance, let’s say you want to manifest romantic love. You’re ready to settle down and find that one person you can commit to and share your life with.

Before, you might’ve felt like you weren’t truly lovable until you found that person. Essentially, you waited until love appeared in your life before you felt the positive emotions associated with love.

But in manifestation, you don’t wait until your desire appears before you finally start feeling these positive emotions. Instead, you allow yourself to feel these positive emotions right now. How do you imagine feeling when your future partner appears in your life? Will they make you feel loved, respected, and treasured?

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What would happen if you allowed yourself to feel loved, respected, and treasured right now instead of waiting?

This is the essence of manifestation.

Now, let’s take it a step further. The most profound way to receive more love in your life is to give more love. Walk through your life with an open heart. Express love through your actions. Be the embodiment of love in your words and feelings.

This isn’t limited to manifesting love, though. Do you want to manifest more success? Become the embodiment of success in your everyday world. Do you want to manifest financial wealth? Allow yourself to feel financially wealthy now. Walk into every life experience as though you are pure abundance.

There’s a great quote by an anonymous source that sums up the essence of manifestation and the Law of Attraction perfectly:

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”

So why is gratitude so important when it comes to the Law of Attraction?

Simply put, gratitude and love are the highest vibrations you can tap into. (Other powerful positive vibrations include joy, empowerment, and freedom.)

When you can tap into any of these feelings, you are vibrating at the highest frequencies available to you. Essentially, you become a magnet for experiences that bring you more joy, love, empowerment, freedom, and gratitude. (To learn more about this, check out my article on Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.)

But gratitude in particular is especially powerful, and here’s why:

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Gratitude invites an abundance mentality. Through the lens of gratitude, you view your life in terms of all that you have, not all that you lack. When you express gratitude for all that you have, you’re essentially saying, “More of this please.” Expressing gratitude for the love that exists in your life …

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