How To Trust Your Intuition When Making Important Decisions

Have you been struggling with making the right decision?

Does the simple fact that you must decide cause you fear and anxiety, and you end up overthinking about it until you’re all stressed out?

That is because, in our society, we are not taught how to make decisions that lead to a happy, meaningful life.

If you want to learn how to make the right decisions that will ultimately lead to living a purposeful life, keep on reading, as I will teach you how to use the most powerful tool you have when it comes to making decisions – your intuition.

Making the right decision is an important step in living a happy and fulfilling life.

Albert Camus once said, “You are the sum of your choices” – and I believe that this is true.

Every day we are faced with decisions, and each of them shapes our lives in one way or another, as each decision, is in itself, a path that you can choose to follow, or not follow.

I’m talking about all sorts of decisions – from choosing your career at a young age, to choosing to leave a certain relationship or job when you’re on the verge of your middle-age crisis, and so on.

You’re always one decision away from a completely different life

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Try to see each decision-making moment as a crossroads.

If you choose one path, it will come with certain advantages and disadvantages, with good and bad, gifts and losses, etc.

If you choose the other path, the outcome will be totally different.

Now, the question is, how do you know which decision is the right one for you?

It seems impossible to anticipate the outcome of a certain situation, as life is full unpredictable of events.

Except that you don’t have to do that to know which decision is the right one for you.

As you learn to tune in to your intuition, the right path will be revealed for you, naturally and effortlessly.

What Is Intuition?

Woman looking in distance using intuition

Bruce Kasanoff recently published an article in the Forbes magazine in which he declared intuition to be “The highest form of intelligence we possess”.

The world’s most intelligent man, Albert Einstein, wrote about intuition:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”.

So, what is intuition?

In psychological terms, I would describe intuition as “the ability to know something that you haven’t perceived through any of your conscious senses, to receive information that has not been revealed to you in any tangible, physical way”.

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Psychologist Carl Jung described intuition as “the ability to tap into the collective consciousness and decode the information it comprises”.

This means that the existence of intuition as a sixth sense has been noticed by psychologists and scientists all over the world, and it is little doubt left over the fact that we do have a sixth sense that works differently than the other five we have (vision, smell, hearing, taste, and the tactile sense).

This sixth sense manifests itself in the form of gut feelings, hunches, or instincts, which we undoubtedly all feel inside our body at certain times.

In spiritual terms, I will say that intuition is the voice of your soul – the Soul’s GPS if you’d like.

In other words, your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are nudging you in the right direction, by sending you energies and feelings deep inside your soul felt as the abovementioned “hunches”, “gut feelings”, or “instincts”.

Where Does Intuition Come From? 

Using intuition

From a neuropsychological point of view, intuition resides in our subconscious mind and is governed by the right side of our brain, which is also responsible for emotions, empathy, creativity, imagination, and talent.

The subconscious mind is way more powerful than our conscious mind and it dictates our response in most situations we encounter.

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We know so little about the power of our intuition and how to use it for our own good because society mainly focuses on the abilities of our left brains.

These are: language, mathematical calculations, memory – basically all the linear, conscious processes of the brain.

Educational systems worldwide teach children how to write and read, memorize and calculate, recognize certain things, and so on, but it deeply neglects the intuitive-imaginative and emotional side of our brains.

From a spiritual perspective, the origin of intuition is our “Divine essence” – which is our soul.

Our souls are charged with light and wisdom, and always receive messages from our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, all we have to do is to stop living in fear and listen to them.

How To Know Your Intuition From Fear?

How To Know Your Intuition From Fear?

When we’re faced with a major decision, it’s always a battle between our conscious and our subconscious mind.

Our subconscious…


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