11 Ways To Unblock Your Chakras That You Can Try Today

As humans we have seven main chakras that make up our energy body; the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra.

Each of these centers resonates at a particular frequency, fulfills a specific vital energetic role, offers specific powers and corresponds to manifestations within the physical body and experience. 

Just like our physical bodies need to be maintained in order to function well and be nourished and exercised so that we may thrive; the energy body also requires this intentional essential care and deliberate development.

A blockage or imbalance in any of your chakras can cause an imbalance in your physical body and vice versa: an unhealthy physical biology can cause blockages within the corresponding chakra.

In this article, we shall gain some in-depth knowledge of exactly how you can identify if any of your chakras are blocked and of course some powerful methods that you can use to unblock, rebalance and energize each of your chakras.

How Do You Know If Your Chakras Need Unblocking?

Our energy bodies are able to conduct and radiate life force energy.

This energy is also referred to as Prana or Chi.

Each chakra centre is energized and animated by this life force; a blockage of the flow of chi will have you feeling generally out of alignment, low energy and vibration.

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Your energy flow can be affected by your emotional state and beliefs.

Specific emotions and beliefs manifest as blockages within specific chakra centers. 

You can identify which of your chakras may be blocked through understanding what energy each chakra corresponds with and therefore the beliefs, fears or trauma that may have caused a blockage.

You can consult your intuition as well as the list of blocked chakra imbalances or characteristics to direct you to where the blockage is so that you can be fully informed on how to most intentionally move forward in you chakra healing journey.

Blocked chakras can be caused by trauma, emotional upset, stress, fear, anxiety and physical health issues.

The side effects of the imbalance can manifest as a physical or energetic repercussion. 

Below are some of the possible emotional, energetic and physical traits of blockage in each of the chakras, if you experience a combination of these traits within a chakra it is likely you have some blockage or imbalance. 

Possible Blockage Signs For Each Of The Chakras

Blocked Root Chakra Signs  

  • You often experience fear, anxiety.
  • Feeling disconnected from the earth and your physical body.
  • Feeling unsafe when there is no reason to.
  • You experience constant financial problems and are stuck in a “lack consciousness” mentality.
  • You have experienced trauma from abandonment or have a fear of abandonment.
  • You experience thoughts and emotions that are angry and hateful and may feel out of control acting on these emotions.
  • You may experience constipation, weight issues or health issues relating to your skeletal system.
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Blocked Sacral Chakra Signs

  • You feel sexually repressed or blocked off from experiencing or expressing your sexuality.
  • You may feel like you are unable to experience pleasure or be apathetic towards pleasure (all kinds of pleasure not just sexual).
  • You find it challenging being intimate emotionally within your relationships.
  • You experience a general lack of creativity or creative blocks.
  • You have a deep-seated fear of birth and death.
  • You may experience health issues relating to your sexual organs and reproductive organs or a compromised immune system.

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Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Signs

  • You experience low self-worth and feelings of insecurity.
  • Feeling that you lack confidence.
  • You embody weak willpower and often feeling stuck or unable to take action.
  • You often find yourself feeling powerless or victimized.
  • You experience health imbalances within your digestive system or related to your liver.

Blocked Heart Chakra Signs

  • You find yourself easily holding grudges and likely find it difficult to forgive.
  • You are non-committal in interpersonal interaction.
  • You could find yourself being critical of both yourself and others.
  • You may be aware that you have narcissistic tendencies.
  • You are easily jealous and possessive.
  • You may experiences feelings of loneliness often.
  • You have trouble holding onto past heartbreak/trauma unable to heal and move forward.
  • You have a health issue related to your heart or lungs.
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Blocked Throat Chakra Signs

  • You struggle with easily expressing yourself.
  • You have a deep fear of or feeling of inability to speak your truth.
  • You could alternatively find yourself between the extremes of forceful and aggressive communication or very shy.
  • You may find that you struggle to listen well to others or feel…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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