How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create your Dream Life Step by Step

We’ve all had those moments where nothing seems to be going right and we start to believe the universe is out to get us…

And what could be more annoying in those moments than somebody telling you to “just stay positive”? But wait, because there may be more to that annoying advice than you think!

What if I told you that you could use the power of your mind and several simple, actionable steps to create the life of your dreams? Because that’s exactly what you can do when you learn how to use the Law of Attraction!

dream big

You may have heard of the law of attraction before but don’t really know how to get started. Or you may have tried to implement it without any luck?

Either way, I’m going to provide you with the knowledge on how to use the law of attraction so you can get started on creating your dream life!

After you’re done with this article you’ll have everything you need to apply the law of attraction step by step in order to attract your biggest dreams and desires…

how to use the law of attraction to create your dream life

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What is the law of attraction?

So before we get started on how to use the law of attraction to create your dream life, let’s first cover this important question – what is the law of attraction?

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The Law of Attraction is one of twelve universal laws that govern the universe. It describes our ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on.

To understand the Law of Attraction it is first helpful to understand the Law of Vibration.

Simply put, everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, vibrating at its own individual frequency. Our perceptions of the things around us and our own experiences are therefore reliant on our brain translating these vibrations.

So it is effectively our brain that creates our reality, not our experiences themselves.

This is a widely accepted notion. But what some people may struggle to accept is that our thoughts and emotions are no different, and they too vibrate at their own frequency.

Therefore, if we and our thoughts vibrate at a low frequency (negative) all the time, we are likely to attract things of a similar frequency. In other words, if we think negative thoughts we will attract negative things.

But this goes for positive things too! If we put our mind to positive things and focus on feelings of joy, excitement, gratitude and enthusiasm, the universe will respond by giving you more of these positive experiences and feelings.

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But wait, the law of attraction works with more than just our thoughts!

To attract our dream life we have to align our whole being with it and become an energetic match. This often means “acting as if” we already have our desire, which I have a more in depth explanation of in this post.

What’s most important to remember is that the universe cannot differentiate between “good” and “bad”, so whatever you focus on is what you get- and it’s up to you where you choose to focus your energy!

What are the 7 laws of attraction?

To help you…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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