How to Take Inspired Action to Manifest with the Law of Attraction

One of my pet peeves with the manifestation community is this notion that you can achieve anything you want simply by asking for it.

News flash that’s just not how manifestation works!

In order to bring your dreams and desires into reality, you have to do your bit to co-create them. That means you have to be taking aligned action and inspired action to manifest what you want, no matter how big or small it is.

turn ideas into reality sign

While I’m a big believer in taking action full stop, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of taking inspired action in particular if you want to truly move the needle with your dreams and desires.

This is the action that almost catapults you into alignment with your desire and brings it into your reality. While other actions help you take steps towards your dream, inspired action helps you take the final leap.

In this post I’m going to be breaking down exactly what inspired action is and how to take inspired action to manifest your dreams.

After reading this you’ll have the actionable tips you need to go away and make those big leaps in your own life!

how to manifest your desires by taking inspired action

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What is the Law of Inspired Action?

There are several laws of the Universe (twelve to be precise), that when combined and applied can help you understand the process of manifestation and get you killer results.

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When it comes to the universal law of inspired action, it describes your ability to attract your desired result by taking action that is aligned with your desire.

While many people have come to believe that manifestation is simply a process of ask, believe, and receive… I personally think this is complete rubbish

Manifestation is a process of co-creation with the Universe, and that means that you have to do your bit by applying the Law of Action in order to manifest what you desire.

What we really should be saying is ask, believe, take action and receive. This is essentially what this universal law is about, because without taking the right kind of action you’re going to be very disappointed with your results.

do the work sign

What is inspired action?

Now, it’s worth noting that not all action is the same. So while it’s all well and good saying that you need to take action to manifest your desires, what you really need to be doing is taking the right kind of action.

The right kind of action is action that is aligned with your desires. That means that it’s the kind of action that is going to bring you closer to manifesting what it is that you want.

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The challenge is that it’s not necessarily always easy to understand whether the action you’re taking is aligned or not. How do you know if the action you’re taking is actually moving you closer to your desires?

In truth, it involves a bit of trial and error and a lot of reflection. But there are also things that you can do to ensure that the action you’re taking is aligned. 

One of these being to take more inspired action. Inspired action is naturally aligned to…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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