Is reiki Haram? Solved & Explained! – Reiki Galore

Many people are curious about reiki, but they’re not sure if it’s allowed in Islam. 

People are often unsure if certain practices are allowed in their religion. This can be especially confusing when it comes to new or alternative therapies like reiki.

No, reiki is not haram (forbidden in Islam). Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that uses universal life force energy to promote balance and wellbeing.

What Is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses the hands to transfer energy to the body. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words for “universal life force energy.”

Reiki is based on the idea that this life force energy is what helps to keep us healthy and balanced. When our energy is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed.

Reiki practitioners use their hands to help transfer this life force energy to their clients, which can help to improve their overall health and well-being.

Some people believe that reiki can help to relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote healing. While there is not yet scientific evidence to support these claims, many people find reiki to be a helpful and relaxing experience.

Why Is Reiki Not Haram?

Reiki is a type of energy healing that is said to balance the mind, body, and spirit. It is based on the idea that everyone has an “aura” or life force energy that flows through them.

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When this energy is imbalanced, it can lead to physical, mental, and emotional problems. Reiki is said to help re-balance this energy, providing relief from these issues.

One of the reasons why Reiki is not considered haram (forbidden) in Islam is because it does not require any specific beliefs or practices. There are no dogmas or restrictions associated with Reiki, which makes it compatible with Islamic beliefs.

Additionally, Reiki does not need to use any tools or instruments, making it completely safe for Muslims to use.

When performed by a qualified practitioner, Reiki can provide many benefits for overall health and wellness.

What Religion Is Reiki a Part Of?

Although some people see reiki as a form of religion, Reiki is actually not affiliated with any one religion in particular.

This means that people of any faith can practice reiki without conflict. However, because reiki is based on the belief that there is an unseen life force energy that flows through all of us, some people do view it as a spiritual practice.

While there is no wrong way to practice reiki, some people choose to meditate or say prayers before or after a session.

Others use Reiki as a complement to their regular religious practices. Ultimately, the decision of how to incorporate reiki into your life is up to you.

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So, Can Muslims Do Reiki?

The answer is yes! Reiki is a form of energy healing that is compatible with Islamic beliefs and practices. In fact, many Muslims find that reiki can help to deepen their connection with Allah.

The practitioner simply places their hands on the person receiving treatment, channeling universal life force energy into their body.

This energy helps to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. If you are interested in exploring reiki, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner who can provide you with more information.

Are Crystals Haram?

No, crystals are not haram. There is no explicit prohibition against crystals in the Quran or Hadith, and there is no scientific evidence that crystals have any negative effect on the human body.

In fact, some Muslims believe that crystals can have positive spiritual effects, such as increasing concentration and enhancing one’s connection to Allah.

However, it is important to remember that no material object can definitively bring about spiritual enlightenment; only Allah, according to Muslims, can provide true guidance.

Therefore, while crystals may be used as a tool for self-improvement, they should not be considered a substitute for prayer or other religious practices.


Reiki is a form of energy healing that is compatible with Islamic beliefs and practices. In fact, many Muslims find that reiki can help to deepen their connection with Allah.

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Reiki does not need to involve the use of words or symbols, so there is no need to worry about violating Islamic law. Instead, the practitioner simply places their hands on the person receiving treatment, channeling universal life force energy into their body.

This energy helps to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. If you are interested in exploring reiki, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner who can provide you with more information.

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