Labradorite Healing Properties: Boost Your Intuition, Heal & Ascend

INSIDE: Need help eliminating obstacles created by your own mind and conditioning.  Labradorite healing properties does that and more! It opens doors to ascension, connects us with our intuition, and helps us overcome the psychic obstacles that stand in our way.


Brain fog, an inability to connect with our intuition, and feeling stuck are some very common experiences nowadays. And British Mental Health Foundation has published that half of those who are frequently stressed struggle with depression and anxiety.

All of this calls for various solutions and combining what modern medicine and holistic healing have to offer. Crystals, such as Labradorite, are an important part of the alternative route.

Here’s what Labradorite healing properties have to offer you and what makes this crystal so powerful…

Labradorite Properties & Symbolism

Known as the crystal of magic, Labradorite is the crystal of intuits – the firestone, the crystal of everything mystical, transcendental, and out-worldly.

It symbolizes ethereal power and is linked with intuition and divination. A special kind of feldspar, this gemstone can be found in North and South America and was first found in Labrador (hence its name).

Being a crystal of protection, it is used to ward off negative entities and prevent psychic attacks. This is a stone of higher consciousness, the stone of spiritual guides and ascended masters. And it’s a stone of healers, shamans, and mystics.

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It varies in colors, usually ranging from grays to greens and blues, and it has a shimmering translucence when light hits it a certain way, making it look magical.

Labradorite is all about energy and has incredible power to penetrate the human conscious and subconscious mind, helping us make changes that help us grow.

Labradorite Stones for Sale

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

The healing frequency of Labradorite naturally helps eliminate mental blocks that prevent us from living our life to the fullest. This gemstone supports and helps us develop our cognitive abilities by illuminating and awakening us.

Inspires Creative Thinking

Labradorite healing properties inspire authentic expression and can give us fresh insights opening us up to new ways of thinking and doing things. By helping us discover and embrace new ideas, this gemstone teaches us how to approach life and solve problems in an innovative way.

By removing limiting beliefs about what is possible, Labradorite sparks the imagination and helps us develop cognitive skills. This helps us step out of our comfort zones, be more spontaneous in our expression, and try new things that previously made us feel anxious.

This is a gemstone that can really open our minds and help us overcome the rigid thinking that blocks our growth. As a result, we feel more spontaneous and encouraged to take chances we might have never considered before.

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Calms the Overactive Mind

Overthinking and overanalyzing can sometimes create problems in our lives when in reality there are none. Labradorite helps us see things clearly and tame the need to dive too deep into little details. Instead, it teaches us how to accept reality as it is and let go of the need to resort to inner chatter.

Through calming the mind and taming chaotic thoughts, Labradorite creates space for mental clarity, helping us feel more serene. As a result, we feel more present and become much better at discerning important facts from unnecessary worries.

Helps Discipline the Mind

For those who tend to act before thinking things through, Labradorite healing properties can help discipline the mind and curb impulsive reactions that cause us trouble. When a fight or flight situation triggers us, it will help us stay calm, rational, and poised.

This gemstone helps thoughts flow freely. Not only can it help us become more aware of our own thoughts and behavioral patterns, but it actually helps us develop decisiveness.

Labradorite teaches us how to sit without thoughts, without being misled by fear or paranoia. These properties do wonders for those who find themselves reacting on impulse, rebelling without a cause, or finding it difficult to stand up for themselves

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Improves Communication

This is a powerful gemstone to use when we feel like our ability to clearly express ourselves is blocked. Labradorite healing properties support healthy communication, helping us to become more aware of our thoughts and then speak clearly and authentically. 

It encourages teamwork and inspires collaboration. This helps us understand others better, but also find better ways to say what we mean, without being misunderstood.

Labradorite removes any blockages we have regarding communication, helping us overcome speech anxiety, public speaking, and social anxiety. Increased awareness helps us find the right words, speak our truth, and share our voice. 

Boosts Self-Confidence 

By helping us identify our inner limitations and blockages, Labradorite gives us a renewed sense of hope. Although not primarily a gemstone for…

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