The 3 Part Daily Law of Attraction Routine…That Works!

Law of Attraction has become insanely popular lately, and yet, a lot of people are practicing it with no success, only to give up after a short while. 

However, the Law of Attraction is a very powerful tool that you can use to manifest the life that you want – if you are using it right. 

There are a few principles that you need to understand before practicing the Law of Attraction, and if you understand these principles, nothing can stop you from getting what you want. 

If you have been using Law of Attraction techniques with little or no success, you need to learn a bit more about how these techniques should be used.

One important, yet basic principle that you need to understand to have success with your manifestations is having faith in the Law of Attraction. 

If you don’t fully believe in the Law of Attraction, yet you try to use it to manifest, you will likely be unsuccessful. 

To be able to have faith in the Law of Attraction, you must first understand how it can change your life and why a Law of Attraction routine is so important, which is exactly what I am going to explain.

Why a Law of Attraction Routine is important

Doing a law of attraction routine

The second important principle you need to know before using the Law of Attraction is the principle of consistency.

Consistency is the key to success when it comes to many things in life, thus, it’s the same when it comes to the Law of Attraction and successful manifestations.

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To break it down to you and help you understand why consistency is important, I am going to start by saying that the Law of Attraction works by aligning you to the vibrational frequency of that which you want to obtain. 

Let’s suppose that you want to attract a loving relationship and a well-paid job into your life. 

Love is a high-vibrational emotion and energy, and so is abundance – expressed through a well-paid job and the opportunity to earn a lot of money. 

If you don’t already have them, you are most likely in lower vibrational frequency than the frequency of love and abundance. 

Otherwise, if your vibration was higher, you would have these in your life without putting in any effort.

The purpose of a Law of Attraction Routine is to help you achieve the vibrational frequency of the things which you desire, by raising your vibration. 

However, raising your vibration doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistency, effort, and dedication because it’s a process of energy and emotion cleansing. 

This is why having a Law of Attraction Routine in place, which you practice with faith and regularity, is crucial in getting what you want.

The 3 Part Law of Attraction Routine

The 3 parts of a law of attraction routine

To practice the Law of Attraction with consistency, I suggest that you try the 3 parts routine I created for you, which is designed to give you a little bit of work during all 3 major parts of the day – morning, midday, and night. 

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This way, you are always engrained in this process, and both your mental and emotional energy are oriented towards it, speeding it up and helping you achieve what you want. 

If you have a 3 part LOA routine, it’s less likely that you get distracted and hijacked by negative thinking, or any negativity coming from the environment, because you simply don’t have time for that.

Thus, have a look at the 3 part LOA routine down below:

Part 1: Law of Attraction Routine – morning 

Having a mourning routine as part of your daily LOA practice is crucial. 

The morning is that part of the day that sets the tone for the rest of your day and determines whether you will be in a good mood or not. 

Starting your day thinking about your goals and wishes and working towards manifesting them shows a lot of dedication and determination which the universe will reward. 

From my point of view, the best LOA morning routine looks like this: 

Get out of bed, draw your curtains and get sunlight

The first step is to get your body out of that sleepy state, especially if you woke up still a bit tired, as this can happen to some of us. 

Draw your curtains and try to get some natural light, even if the sun is not shining. 

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If it’s still dark outside or you’re not lucky enough to have a sunny day, try to visualize the sun, with your eyes close and imagine how you’re receiving solar energy. 

This exercise will give you a fantastic level of energy and a very good mood. 

Do invigorating yoga poses 

Because you could still be a bit sleepy after this exercise, and your body could benefit from a bit of movement to feel invigorated and refreshed, I recommend that the second step you do is to do some yoga poses that are aimed at raising your energy level. 

My personal favorites for the morning are the “Sun Salutation”, which is a series of poses meant to increase your energy, and the “Tree Pose” – meant to…

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