7 Ways To Manifest Good Grades With The Law Of Attraction

Using the Law of Attraction to manifest good grades can be as simple as training your brain to maintain an open and optimistic mindset.

Manifesting with the Law of Attraction is a skill anyone can acquire. It is not a superpower — the more specific the manifestation, the better. 

The below techniques are just that, techniques.

They are tools to help you along your manifestation journey. They are meant to be used in conjunction with your daily efforts to progress along your path.

It is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing either. Take what feels right to you and leave what doesn’t. 

7 Ways To Help Manifest Good Grades With The Law Of Attraction

woman manifesting good grades with the law of attraction

1. Manifest Good Grades With the 369 Method

The 369 Method uses the power of Numerology to manifest good grades. Created by Karin Yee, the 369 Manifestation Method was inspired by scientist Nikola Tesla, who believed the numbers three, six, and nine were divine numbers. 

Essentially, here’s how it works: 

  • Devote a sacred notebook or space to begin the manifestation process. It is always more powerful to have it all in one, organized space. 
  • Once you have this in place, you can begin. 
  • First thing when you wake up each morning, write down your manifestation three times. 
  • Then, you’ll write it six times in the afternoon.
  • You’ll write it nine more times before going to bed at night.
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Not only does this method get you in the mindset of keeping your manifestation at the forefront of your mind, but it also helps establish some clarity in what it is you’re trying to manifest.

In this case, manifesting good grades is pretty straightforward, so you should be able to embody the manifestation more easily. 

The idea is that you will continue this method until your manifestation comes to fruition. i.e., you receive your grade for the exam, project, etc. 

2. Affirmations For Manifesting Good Grades

Affirmations are always a great tool to have handy, whether you are actively manifesting or not! Anytime you can speak positively to and about yourself, do it.

Affirmations not only help aid in the manifestation process, but they have numerous other benefits, including improving your mood and overall mental health. 

Repeat affirmations – either aloud or written – daily and watch your perception of reality changed for the better. 

Where good grades are concerned, here are a few affirmations to help you manifest good grades: 

  • I am willing to believe that I can remove all subconscious blocks to manifest good grades.
  • I make good grades easily. 
  • Good grades love me.
  • I am open to receiving good grades.
  • My friends, family, and everyone around me is astonished at my ability to easily manifest good grades.
  • Good grades are for everyone.
  • I trust myself and my academic abilities to manifest good grades. 
  • Good grades are attracted to me like a magnet.
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❤️ Related Post: 75 Positive Affirmations For Students

3. Scripting For Good Grades

woman scripting for good grades

Scripting for good grades is a lot like visualization (which I will talk about more below), but you write it down. This type of manifestation method can be tiresome on the wrist but is extremely beneficial. 

Here are a few key things to remember when scripting to manifest good grades: 

  • Always write in the present tense
  • Be extremely detailed
  • Always go back later and revisit your scripts to check in with yourself

The detail is often the most important part.

Although the scene hasn’t happened yet, you essentially want to describe the scene as if you are explaining it to a friend.

Paint a picture for them with your words. Describe how it makes you feel. 

When you are finished, you want it to feel almost like you are reading a short story written by someone else. 

Scripting not only forces you to brainstorm, visualize, and put yourself in that situation, but it forces you to get specific. If you can’t easily put your manifestation into words, you probably aren’t being specific enough. 

All of this, combined with the power of writing the words down on the physical plane, helps to keep all levels of your being focused on the same goal. 

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4. Mind Movies For Manifesting Good Grades

For those that don’t yet know, Mind Movies is an actual website, but you can create your own mind movie with another software if you feel you don’t need help from their website.

The goal of Mind Movies is to create a digital video vision board that appeals to more than just sight. It grabs hold of emotions as well and allows you to even incorporate music. 

This particular manifestation method is great for someone that is already into creating videos and editing via different software.

Of course, anyone wanting to learn something new should definitely give this a go!

You never know. You could end up with a new hobby when it’s all said and…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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