Manifestation with Depression : How to Manifest if You Have Depression?

You have a number of things clear in your mind that you wish to attract into your life. You’ve heard people talk about manifesting, so you want to create your perfect life with your ideal house, car, romance, and bank balance.

However, there is one slight issue. You suffer from depression.

You may have heard a common myth that is often shared by people who use the Law of Attraction: you cannot manifest when you have depression.

Well, I want to totally dispute that myth! It’s not true!

How to Manifest if You Have Depression?

These people talk about the Law of Attraction like it’s a private club that you can only join if you’re already vibrating on a positive, high frequency. It’s a form of spiritual gaslighting that you should not pay any attention to.

And you can guarantee that the people who say it have never been through clinical depression so have no awareness of dealing with a chemical imbalance in the brain.

But the truth of the matter is that you can attract everything you want, despite suffering from depression. I did it myself, so let me explain how.

When I was in my early 20’s, I developed severe anxiety. And, as is the case with lots of people, this led to depression. It was so acute that I felt confined to my house. I didn’t have any friends, and there was no way I could go out to work – I couldn’t even go to the store.

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At the time, I lived with my parents, and I could tell that they had almost given up on me.

The desperation was immense. It felt like my life was on a downward spiral, and there was never going to be a way to stop it or climb back up. I had lost all hope and felt trapped.

I could never imagine feeling happy again, and I could not see a solution.

Fortunately, something happened where I was introduced to the Law of Attraction.

This might be your turning point. Maybe the fact that you have come across my words today means that this is also your time to change.

The Law of Attraction taught me many things. It wasn’t just about manifesting things into my life; it actually helped me retrain my brain to overcome my depression. It taught me to understand and change what was going on for me at a subconscious level that kept me trapped in a depressive state.

So, I’m not just trying to cheer you up by saying that you can manifest things into your life if you have depression: I’m living proof that it can be done!

I survived a paralyzing depression. There were times when I honestly did not think I would live to tell the tale, and at times, I didn’t even care. But I did, and I want to share a bit more with you about what I learned from that experience.

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Debunking the “high vibration” myth.

One of the first things that I noticed as I started to learn more about the Law of Attraction was the concept that you need to be vibrating on a high energy level to manifest things into your life.

The theory is that if your energy is on a low vibrational frequency, the emotions you put out into the world are depression, anxiety, and need.

The Law of Attraction states that you get back what you put out into the Universe. So if you emit negative energy, you attract into your reality situations and things that will generate more negativity.

However, if you vibrate with a high frequency, you will

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in ManifestationLift. All the rights of content are owned by ManifestationLift. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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