Can You Manifest When Depressed? How to Manifest During Tough Times

So much conflicting information on manifestation and the Law of Attraction might have you thinking that it’s impossible to manifest if you’re in a bad place and are struggling to see the light right now.

But can you manifest when depressed?

Hopefully after reading this you’ll have a clearer understanding of what it actually means to manifest when you’re feeling low, and the steps that you can take to bring your desires closer to you.

how to manifest anything even when you feel sad and hopeless

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Can you manifest when depressed?

In short – absolutely.

If you couldn’t manifest when depressed then absolutely everyone who has a depressive episode would stay trapped in it forever.

And although it can certainly feel like that’s the case at the time, many people do make it out of the other side, and even thrive.

Manifesting isn’t restricted to only happy people, and yet there is so much messaging surrounding the Law of Attraction that would give the impression that this is the case.

And it’s quite frankly a load of rubbish.

I know from my own experience that manifesting when suffering from low mood and mental health issues is possible.

And it might take completely changing what you think is true about manifestation, but that’s exactly what we’re about here at Through the Phases. 

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man looking depressed with head in hands

My own experience of manifesting with depression

Law of Attraction and mental illness can be a tricky pair to partner up because so many of the things you’re told are vital for manifesting, like thinking positive and taking action, become so difficult when you’re suffering from low mood and motivation.

But my experience of manifesting with depression is testament to the fact that with some tweaks you can achieve amazing things, and in my opinion, go deeper into manifestation practices than you perhaps would have without the struggles and hardship.

I’ve suffered from poor mental health for my entire life. I grew up with complex PTSD, depression and social anxiety. I’m no stranger to mental health difficulties, that’s for sure!

And although I consider myself to be in a much better place than I was during my teenage years, my mental health is still an ongoing struggle and I’ve accepted that it will probably be a focus of mine for the rest of my life.

At times I’m sucked back into patterns of negative thinking, I have zero motivation to do anything, and I feel pretty hopeless.

But has this stopped me from manifesting amazing things for myself? Absolutely not.

During some of my darkest times has been when my faith in manifestation has been challenged most, but in these moments I feel like you’re called to go deeper than somebody perhaps would if they had everything handed to them on a plate.

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During one of my lowest points in 2019 I could barely leave the house due to panic attacks from relationship trauma, I was unemployed and I was unhappy living in a box room in my parents home.

I was miserable and depressed, let’s be honest.

But I decided I…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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