Mars Direct – The Feisty Red Planet Is Making Moves Next Week!

The start of 2023 brought the red planet Mars retrograding in Gemini, but next week, Mars will be direct again and the energy is ready to return! Embrace the new opportunities and energies that will come with the shift of Mars direct and make the most of this new cycle!

About Mars Retrograde & Direct

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards through the zodiac, disrupting the flow of its normal forward motion. This can cause a disruption in the energy of the planet, resulting in a lack of motivation, drive, and opportunities.

Fortunately, the effects of a retrograde are only temporary. On January 12th, 2023, Mars will turn direct, bringing back its energy and drive. This will give us the opportunity to pursue our goals with renewed energy and motivation.

Mars retrograde in Gemini has been especially frustrating, making it hard to concentrate and communicate effectively. We may have felt like the year hasn’t even started due to the combination of Mars, Mercury, and Uranus retrograde. But now that the retrograde is nearly over, we can start to reclaim some of our motivation and focus. We can make more meaningful progress towards our goals and plans, and start to make sense of the events of the past year. With the end of the retrograde, we have the opportunity to move forward with much-needed clarity and direction.

We’ve all felt the effects of Mercury and Uranus’ recent retrogrades, but the wait is almost over! On January 18th, transit Mercury will end its retrograde and on January 22nd, Uranus will follow suit. With both planets now moving forward, we can start to see the progress we’ve been waiting for.

The time during and after a retrograde can be a tricky period, and it’s important to be mindful of any information that may have been missed or ignored. Now that all three planets are moving forward, we can get back on track and make the most of this new energy. Let’s get moving quickly and make the most of this opportunity!

Mars in Gemini: Use the Mind

Mars has been in Gemini since August 2022 and will stay there until March 25th, 2023. This extended stay in Gemini, due to the retrograde, can mean that we’re all feeling a bit overwhelmed by the mental energy in the air. We may have trouble getting our points across, feeling heard, or simply listening to others. This has been particularly true since Mars retrograde began on October 30th, 2022.

Gemini is the sign of the mind, and this extended stay can be a great opportunity to use all this mental energy productively. Take this time to hone your communication skills, express yourself in meaningful ways, and gain clarity on important matters. It’s time to make the most of this extended stay in Gemini!

Now that Mars retrograde is ending, we have the perfect opportunity to focus on improving our communication and strengthening the flow of information and expression between us. For the next 2 1/2 months, we can create short-term plans for our ideas and take action quickly. This is a great time to use our minds in a productive way, get the information and knowledge we need, discuss our plans, and take breaks when needed. Let’s make the most of this period and use it to our advantage!

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Mars Direct in Gemini 2023 Horoscopes


Are you feeling off-balance, Aries? Mars, your natural ruling planet, is now direct in your sign, which can help you to get back on track and feel like yourself again. The recent retrograde in Gemini may have had an impact on your communication and ability to bring your ideas to life, but now you have the opportunity to put the pieces back together and start making progress.

For the next 2 1/2 months, you can use this time to your advantage by gathering the necessary information and sticking to your plans. This is the perfect time to take full advantage of the energy of Mars and make the most of this season. Get back to feeling like your true self and start taking the steps to make things happen.


Taurus, the Mars retrograde may have left you feeling stuck and unable to move forward. But now that it’s ending, you can finally start to make progress and get unstuck! With Mars direct in Gemini, you can gain the energy and momentum you need to help you move forward. While it may take some time to get back in the groove, don’t let frustration take over. Instead, focus on building steady progress and focus on feeling more confident and secure.


The recent Mars retrograde in your sign, Gemini, has likely been incredibly trying for you. You may have experienced a sense of being stuck or unable to catch a break, leading to some frustration and maybe even lashing out. However, this period of retrograde has also been a great opportunity for second chances, so hopefully you were able to take advantage of that.

Now that Mars is direct, you can focus on taking the initiative and creating a new beginning. This new beginning can be a focus for the next two years and you can use your energy to make it happen. Take control and use this period to find inspiration and make your dreams come true.


The Mars retrograde has likely been exhausting for you, Cancer, draining your energy and making it difficult to get moving. Despite this, it’s been a wonderful opportunity to clear out and reflect on the past. Hopefully, you’ve been able to make the most of it and can now move forward with less baggage.

It may take some time for your energy to return, though not until Mars enters your sign on March 25th. Until then, continue to work on releasing and making plans, so you’re ready to take action once your energy returns.

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The Mars retrograde may have made you extra impatient with changes, Leo, and you likely wanted to rush into the ones you wanted to make without thinking it through. Or, you experienced frustrating changes, and you resisted adjusting to them. Your dreams for the future may have felt like they were on thin ice, leaving you unsure if they were really possible.

On the positive side, this period was beneficial for reigniting old dreams, reconnecting with old friends, and prioritizing the things that make you unique. Now, with Mars direct, you can make the most of your drive for change and success but be sure to approach it in a smarter way. You can experiment with unconventional methods, and think outside of the box to make your dreams a reality.


The Mars retrograde may have felt like a major setback in achieving your goals, Virgo. Responsibilities and delays could have made it seem like your progress was further away than ever. You might have felt overwhelmed by the weight of it all.

But this period was also remarkable for its ability to help you refocus on old goals. Now that Mars is direct, you can start to see your direction more clearly. You can use this time to tweak your long-term plans, use disciplined energy, and hit your stride. Take advantage of this opportunity to get back on track and reach your goals.


The Mars retrograde may have caused you to feel frustrated and disconnected from others, Libra. You may have wanted more space and autonomy, but pushing away people and responsibilities didn’t help.

Now that Mars is direct, you can create opportunities for yourself to explore new places and learn new things. This can help you to focus on the positives and create a sense of excitement and adventure. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and start opening up new doors for yourself.


The Mars retrograde has likely stirred up some deep-seated issues for you, Scorpio, leading you to confront some uncomfortable realities or face up to old facts that you’d rather have avoided. This period may have been one of frustration and unrest.

But by digging deep, getting to the root of the matter, facing fears and coming to terms with realizations, you have the opportunity to come out of this period much stronger. Now that Mars is direct, you can feel more empowered and in control, allowing you to take advantage of new possibilities. This period can be an ideal time for beneficial transformations and embarking on mutually helpful pursuits.


The Mars retrograde was a difficult time for your relationships, Sagittarius. You’ve likely had disagreements and even seen people exit your life. Some may have even demanded more of you than you could give, leaving you feeling frustrated and exhausted.

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But now that Mars is direct, you can regain some balance in your relationships. You can prioritize the people who bring harmony into your life, and learn to be comfortable with commitment and enjoy the company of those around you. With Mars direct, you have the opportunity to create meaningful and fulfilling relationships.


The Mars retrograde has likely brought a lot of extra work and stress into your life, Capricorn. You’ve likely been using your famously disciplined energy to manage it all, but don’t forget to give yourself a break! Stress can have a major impact on your productivity, so it’s essential to plan short breaks into your day so you can stay fresh and focused. With Mars direct, it’s time to find a balance between your work and rest, so you don’t end up burning yourself out. Don’t demand perfection from yourself – take care of yourself and give yourself permission to take a break.


The Mars retrograde has likely made you want to step away from the rat race and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, Aquarius. Despite your responsibilities that may have made it difficult to do so, this time of reconnection has been beneficial for rekindling old relationships and hobbies, as well as nurturing your creativity.

As Mars moves forward, it’s time to focus on making more time for fun and pleasure in your schedule. You can tap into your heart and love in meaningful ways. Let go of the stress and refocus on the things that bring joy to your life.


The recent Mars retrograde might have stirred up a lot of intense emotions for Pisces. You may have felt overwhelmed at times, and lacked the security and stability you needed to handle these emotions. It’s possible that small issues popped up at home or with family, and you may have had to work on strengthening your internal foundation.

Now that Mars is direct, you can give yourself the support and nurturing you need to feel confident and capable of starting something new. With commitment and effort, you’ll have the chance to reach great heights within the next six months. Find the courage within you to take the first step!

Good luck With Mars Direct!

As we enter the new year, we find ourselves in an important period of transition. With the end of the retrogrades, this period of change can be powerful over the next two weeks. It’s important to take our time in adjusting to the new energy, and to be patient with ourselves as we transition. Soon, we will be ready to take full advantage of the new year and move forward with confidence. Now is the time to embrace the changes and make the most of this important new beginning.

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