A Guide to Moon Journaling for Sacred Self Care

I love looking at the moon; it’s one of those things that never fails to amaze me each and every time I look up at it.

But it’s something that so many people are disconnected with, despite how influential it is in our lives!

Did you know that the moon influences our bodies and emotions, much in the same way that it affects the rise and fall of the tides?

This is precisely why we should be paying more attention to power of the moon!

One of the ways in which we can connect more to the moon is by moon journaling.

This is a super easy activity that comes with powerful benefits!

Are you looking to get more connected to the power of the moon? This guide to moon journaling will give you all the moon journaling prompts and ideas you need to know to get started with this form of sacred self care. Complete with the best moon journals, lunar calendars and other moon journaling accessories! #moonology

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The Benefits of Moon Journaling

There are many benefits to moon journaling, some of my favourites are:

  • Feel a deeper connection with the universe: following the cycles of the moon helps you feel more connected to something much bigger than yourself!
  • Track patterns in your mind, body and spirit: moon journaling allows you to observe how your thoughts and emotions change with the moon phases and can help you understand yourself better!
  • Align your menstrual cycle with the moon: did you know that most women bleed with either the new moon or the full moon? Moon journaling can help you to sync your body up with the moon for healthier menstruation!
  • Supercharge the powers of the law of attraction: particular phases of the moon serve as opportunities to increase your strength of your intentions! We’ll get into this more later…
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moon magick prompts

Sign up for FREE Moon Magick journal prompts and affirmations

How to start a moon journal

Starting a moon journal is easy with these actionable steps.

If you follow them it will soon be part of your sacred self care routine!

What you need to start a moon journal


1. A lunar calendar 

The first step to moon journaling is getting in touch with the phases of the moon.

This will change depending on your geographical location and you can either use an app or a physical calendar to track this.

I recommend a physical calendar because it’s a nice excuse to get some beautiful home decor up.

My own printable lunar calendar was an Etsy bestseller in 2020 and 2021.

So naturally I had to bring it back to you for 2022 – you can shop the latest version here, worldwide.

It can be blown up and used as a poster or added to the front of your moon journal as an easy reference.

Plus it also includes the astrological signs that the full and new moons fall in so you can practise more targeted manifestation and growth rituals.

2022 lunar phases calendar

2. A moon journal

Next, you’ll want to purchase a moon journal.

Ideally, this journal should be used exclusively for moon journaling and any other journals should be kept separate. This helps to ensure that your moon journal remains focused and intentional!

Best moon journals
Moon Journal: Astrological guidance, affirmations, rituals and journal exercises to help you reconnect with your own internal universe

This moon journal by Sandy Sitron is beautifully illustrated and set out for daily moon journaling! It is perfect…


Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in throughthephases.com. All the rights of content are owned by throughthephases.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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