Navigating The Akashic Records after Reiki Training

The concepts of awakening and the spiritual journey are truly fascinating. Looking back on my own journey, there have been many hurdles and initiations I experienced to get to where I am today.

For many, the spiritual journey begins with experiencing a traumatic event. For me, it was a number of different things: molested as a child, bullied in school, sexually assaulted, and raped as a young adult. But after all this, what finally set the stage for my awakening was the psychologist I sought out for help. At the end of my very first session he dismissed me because he believed that I had already worked through everything that had happened and that there was nothing he could do. That was my rock bottom moment, the last straw, the point where I gave up and sunk into that bottomless pit of my own little hell.

But the thing is, once all the known resources for healing have been exhausted and we have hit that dreaded rock bottom, something magical happens. We are finally opening up to a world outside of that box we call ‘our life’. That is the moment when our innate spirituality kicks into gear.

11 years ago, Reiki found me. I say found me because Reiki will reveal itself to you when you are ready. Reiki means Life Force Energy. It describes our own energy, the very essence of our being, our spiritual body. Reiki is healing and yet it is so much more. We often hear that Reiki is our birthright, and even though that is true, it makes it sound as if it is something outside of ourselves that we have to find and discover when in reality, it is something within us that we have to awaken to – something that has always been there, waiting patiently for us to be ready. And that is only the beginning. The more we immerse ourselves into the practice and teachings of Reiki, the more it reveals to us about ourselves, the world around us, and how we fit into it.

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Reiki guides us on our journey. It helps us release whatever is holding us back from continuously outgrowing our life and the part of us we no longer resonate with. At the same time it readies us for the next initiation – the next step on our journey to our true selves. In essence it is like learning to walk all over again. Only this time, we learn to walk spiritually – not physically. It helps us to awaken to our Soul-Self, the true essence of our being. It helps us to unlearn everything we thought was true, but in reality was governed by fear, pain, and who we were taught we should be.

Navigating The Akashic Records after Reiki Training

The first time I had heard about the Akashic Records was during my Reiki training. I was told that it was this magical place that held all the answers of life. But in reality, that is only a fraction of what they truly are and offer to the world. And for that very reason, accessing them when you are not ready is next to impossible. You see, the Akashic Records are protected 1.000.000 times better than Fort Knox. And even though the Akashic Records, just like Reiki, are your birthright to…

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