Oracle Card Reading April 17 – 23, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Mission

“What’s my mission? What am I doing on Earth? Am I in the right place?”
I will tell you a secret now: Your mission is, in fact… you! Contemplate this. Take Reiki as a healing companion and inspiring guide in a Mission Reiki Meditation. On this meditation, focus on how it feels to fulfill your mission rather than how it looks and what it is all about.

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2. Receive

You might be tempted to believe is harder to give than to receive, but no! Receiving is always more difficult than giving, especially for healers and lightworkers.
Practice the art of receiving every day. Create a Reiki Receiving Mantra and say it daily for at least 21 days. Believe it! Look in the mirror while saying it and feel how it opens you up from inside-out. And remember: open hands, open heart!

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3. Vision

It is time to climb that inner mountain of consciousness and see the Truth. The Truth will come to you in many ways: the truth about yourself, the truth about others, the truth about the reality you live in, the truth about your evolutionary process, the Divine Truth.
Inner vision is connected to your intuition and psychic abilities. Use Reiki symbols to cleanse and balance your Third Eye chakra.

See also  7 Twin Flame Telepathy Signs

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Reiki blessings!

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