Oracle Card Reading January 02 – 08, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Gratitude

Keep a Reiki Gratitude Journal. This practice can really help you experience profound inner transformation. Just before bed, write down the things you were grateful for that day and send Reiki to them. Commit to keeping this journal for at least a month.

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2. Wisdom

Wisdom comes in a wide palette of great qualities like discernment, insight, perception, simplicity, patience, and compassion. Focus on listening rather than speaking. Let your mind be still, pure, and peaceful. Wisdom comes from within. You can have knowledge but wisdom itself is expressed in inner solitude, awareness, and immersion in one’s inner world. Once you connect with your inner wisdom, which is actually Divine Wisdom, mind-boggling things will happen!

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3. Creator

Well, well… Look who’s ready to step forward into the next chapter of existence! You are being invited to be a co-creator. Let go of that paralyzing fear of what others might say or think and fully assume your path! Move ahead and start creating! Be courageous, be brave and be authentic. Let your heart and mind co-create and also let the world see and enjoy your inner genius. Be free and be wild!

See also  Dreams About Running and Hiding from Someone -

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Reiki blessings!

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