Oracle Card Reading October 31 – November 06, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Protection

Connect with your protective spirits, angels, and guides and ask for their assistance to create and maintain an energy field around yourself which purifies and transforms any negative influences into unconditional love and light.

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2. Acceptance

Just for Today, I will live in acceptance. Make this your daily affirmation and start observing your resistance and judgmental patterns. Once observed, accept these also as part of your human nature but choose to rise beyond their vibration and reunite the human with the spirit.

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3. Mission

I will tell you a secret now: Your mission is, in fact… you! Contemplate this. Take Reiki as a healing companion and inspiring guide in a Mission Reiki Meditation. On this meditation, focus on how it feels to fulfill your mission rather than how it looks and what it is all about.

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Reiki blessings!

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