Oracle Card Reading September 05 – 11, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Grounding

Nature has its own hidden wisdom for those who listen to it and deep lessons can be learned. Nature teaches through presence, through silence, through being. It is vital for everyone to be grounded, especially empaths and highly sensitive people such as energy healers. This card invites you to be fully present in your body, to connect to the sacred wisdom of Mother Earth and then, through it, straight to your unlimited inner potential.

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2. Balance

If you’ve been called by this card, you are probably struggling to find a good balance in your life. The secret is to seek balance within yourself first! Assess your life as it is now and make a conscious decision to become balanced in all aspects of your life. What are your stressors, distractions, and time-wasters? Simplify your life and let go of these or reduce them as much as possible. Nurture your being. Allow time for self-care by practicing self-Reiki, daily journaling, meditation, and anything that cultivates a harmonious you.

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3. Alignment

This card invites you to access and manifest your greatest potential through alignment with your Higher Self. Align with your true desires so you can align with your Higher Self. Release thoughts that are out of alignment with the life you want to manifest.

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Reiki blessings!

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