Our Kids Are Reiki Naturals: Attuning Children to Reiki

Is it OK to give Reiki attunements to children? The answer is YES! Reiki can help them learn to sooth and relax themselves and care for their own physical and emotional well-being. Children naturally pick up on energy before they are jaded by life experiences.

Some Reiki practitioners feel that if a woman is attuned to Reiki during her pregnancy, her baby is also attuned to the energies. Babies and toddlers can be attuned to Reiki, but they are not mature enough to learn how to practice it. Children younger than five lack the comprehension skills to understand the concepts of Reiki and therefore they cannot use it consciously. Most children between the ages of five and twelve could learn Reiki and can be attuned to the first level.

They should be cautioned not to force their Reiki hands upon other people, especially their classmates, as they might not understand or appreciate what they are attempting to do. Also, the subtle energy layers, the aura of a child is still developing and during their work on other people they expose their aura to different other energies and diseases and in the absence of proper grounding and self-protection, they can pick these energies up, running a high risk of experiencing negative side effects. Instead, the children should be supported to focus on practicing Reiki at home, in the form of self-treatment.

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From my point of view, the only children who should be attuned to Reiki are those with a parent or other adult in the home who is an experienced practitioner of Reiki, because young children cannot fully understand all the concepts and principles, they do not have the ability to focus and sit through a full Reiki instruction, since their attention spans are meager, and should be given only basic instructions, adapted to their level of understanding, and it is important that afterwards they can be guided by an adult from home or whom the child is trusting.

Other Reiki practitioners consider that the attunement should only be done to adults (18 and over) or legal age of consent, as it is important that they are old enough to make choices for themselves and that Reiki is too much responsibility for children and the attunement will affect them in a negative manner, by opening them an awareness of negative energies which they would not know how to handle.

Our Kids Are Reiki Naturals: Attuning Children to Reiki

Reiki Masters who use the four-attunement method may find it a little complicated to keep the children engaged for a long period of time, as the children should be able to sit undisturbed with eyes closed for 20 minutes for attunement. Some children just aren’t ready to sit still and we should honor that and understand that each child is different and reacts differently, according to their karma, past lives experiences and current lives learnings.

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The intent is the most important element of the attunement and that is why I recommend just one attunement. I truly believe that is all children require. Also, very important is also to be…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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