Pillow Method For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)

In this article, discover how to use the pillow method to manifest your desires. Plus, learn about tools and resources to help protect and lift your energy, amplify your intentions, and create the life of your dreams.

What Is The Pillow Method For Manifestation?

The pillow method is one of the simplest and most straightforward manifestation games you can regularly practice to help you create the life you desire. This is a great practice for new and experienced manifestors alike, as you can choose how in-depth with this method you want to go.

So how do you practice the pillow manifestation method?

These are the most basic directions: write an affirmation on a piece of paper and place that paper under your pillow for a set amount of days. Let that affirmation be the last thing you think about as you fall asleep, allowing it to sink into your subconscious brain. Let go, surrender control, and allow the Universe to deliver your manifestation in your physical experience.

Now, if you stopped right there, you’d have enough information to try this manifestation method tonight. But to get the most out of this practice, there are a few additional steps you can take (that really don’t take much additional time at all).

In this article, you’ll learn how to write effective affirmations for the pillow method as well as how to incorporate scripting into your nightly manifestation routine. Plus, I’ll share some of my favorite resources that you can use today to amplify your manifestation practice.

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The affirmations you write for this manifestation method aren’t the typical mindset affirmations you often hear, such as “I am worthy.” (Though you absolutely can write mindset affirmations and place them under for your pillow to positively influence your subconscious beliefs.)

For the pillow method, you’re going to use what I typically refer to as future pacing affirmations.

These are affirmations in which you state that what you want to manifest is already yours. For instance, if you want to manifest financial prosperity, you might write something like, “Financial abundance continually flows my way through multiple streams of income.”

You could also write, “I am financially free with a limitless abundance of wealth and prosperity.”

Likewise, if you want to manifest love, you might write, “I am in a committed, loving relationship with a partner who truly cherishes and adores me.”

To manifest a job, you could write, “I am in my dream job, making a positive difference in people’s lives and doing what I love every single day.” (If there’s a specific job you want, then replace “dream job” with the title of your ideal position.)

Here are the keys to writing a successful affirmation to use for the pillow method:

Use present tense statements such as I am, I feel, and I have – not “I will be . . .” Choose something that feels truly good to you and you believe wholeheartedly that you can manifest. Don’t write, “I am a millionaire,” if you don’t truly believe this is possible for you. Take baby steps as you reprogram your subconscious beliefs, and …

See also  How To Let Go When Manifesting A Specific Person?

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in ZannaKeithley.com. All the rights of content are owned by ZannaKeithley.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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