Rhodonite Healing Properties for Compassion, Love & Emotional Healing

INSIDE: Whether you’re a crystal curious beginner or a well-seasoned expert, Rhodonite healing properties are beneficial to all. This stone is loving, nurturing, and an all-around healer. 

Pretty and pink, Rhodonite is the ultimate love stone. If you’re in need of healing and emotional support, look no further. Let’s take a closer look at Rhodonite healing properties! 

Rhodonite Properties & Symbolism

Rhodonite crystals are composed of pink manganese silicate and they often contain iron. It’s a true crystal and a member of the triclinic crystal system. 

This is the compassion stone and an emotional stabilizer. It was first discovered in the 1790’s in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Rhodonite was actually called the “eagle stone” because people would see eagles carrying these crystals to their nests.  

Its name comes from the Greek word rhodon, which means pink. Rhodonite can be found in many places all over the world, including Massachusetts, USA.

Rhodonite Tumbled Stones

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Rhodonite crystals are tremendously nurturing, making them ideal for mental and emotional healing. Not only do they aim to heal us, they allow us to find emotional equilibrium as well.

Rhodonite healing properties can do a lot more than just relieve us from negative energy! Let’s look at what it can do…

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Helps Us Make Realizations

The healing properties of Rhodonite are extensive, but enabling us to focus on our inner selves is a big one. Not only does this crystal empower us to reach our fullest potential, it also pushes us into realizations of self-betterment. 

Using Rhodonite to learn about yourself and the people in your life will help you on your journey to self-enlightenment. The energies of this stone engage with our personal purpose in life and allow us to connect deeply with the energies around us.

Fostering Love & Forgiveness

This is the ideal stone for promoting forgiveness and learning love. Its deep connection with the heart chakra allows us to open our minds and hearts to reconciliation. Rhodonite healing properties support us in loving ourselves and all of humanity.

Release Anger & Resentment

Anger and resentment is something that truly eats away at the spirit and one’s mental stability. It fills us with bitterness and regret, while blocking us from personal growth.

Rhodonite is a wonderful stone for letting go of the past and releasing negative, abusive, and self-destructive behaviors. Due to its forgiving nature, it is the perfect crystal for understanding that revenge and anger only hurt the self.

Assisting With Trauma Healing

Rhodonite can be used to heal trauma and deal with betrayal. It encourages confidence in those who are generally passive and quiet about their emotional needs. This crystal is extremely adept at healing emotional scars and stimulating the heart.

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Physical Healing Properties of Rhodonite

The list of Rhodonite healing properties is a long one. This stone appears to do it all and rather well! Not only does it aid with mental clarity, it is wonderful at restoring our physical health as well.

Supports Circulation & Organ Function

Due to its strong connections with the heart, Rhodonite promotes healthy and robust cardiac muscles. It stimulates circulation and boosts organ function. 

Aids With the Removal of Kidney Stones & Gallstones

Although Rhodonite is not technically a cleansing stone, it does a great job at uplifting the glands and organs in the body. It is actually thought to help rid the body of kidney stones and gallstones. Rhodonite also provides protection for the liver to fight off disease and damage. 

Heals Superficial Wounds

This stone is considered one of the best crystals for healing injuries, cuts, scrapes, and skin irritations. Rhodonite healing properties can be helpful for shrinking scars, birthmarks, and even relieving skin irritations from insect bites or allergies. 

Relieves the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

It is thought that Rhodonite can actually help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. When used in combination with medical treatments, drinking an indirect Rhodonite elixir has been shown to ease some forms of multiple sclerosis.

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In addition, this crystal is said to ease shakiness from heavy drinking and drug use as well. 

Chakra Healing Gemstones

Chakra & Spiritual Healing With Rhodonite

Rhodonite healing properties resonate deeply with the heart chakra. This chakra relates to peace, love, compassion, and decision-making. 

When the heart chakra is out of balance, we can become susceptible to colds, flus and infections. In addition to physical illness, we can experience feelings of codependency, resentment, and unworthiness. 

Balancing Energy

This crystal brings balance and control back into our lives. It allows us to navigate through our environment and stabilize our relationships.

Rhodonite is a wonderful stone for bringing our yin-yang energies into equilibrium, and it helps us become more centered.

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