11 Signs He Is Hurting After The Break Up

A breakup is never easy for anyone, but it’s one of the things we have to experience.

It’s an excruciating pain to break up with someone you thought had real potential in your life. 

No matter who broke up with who, it will always be painful to experience a breakup. You invested your time and energy in someone, only to have it end up in ruins.

Even after the breakup, it feels impossible to survive because the greater the love, the greater the pain.

With this being said, even as it might not be obvious, both parties hurt in a breakup. 

In the following, we’ll be discussing the signs he is hurting after the break up. 

11 Signs He Is Hurting After The Break Up

signs he is hurting after the breakup

1. He blocked you from his socials 

The fact that he blocked you means he is hurting after the break up, more than you could possibly know.

It’s not just him wanting not to hear from you at all, but he’s hurting so badly that he doesn’t want any remembrance from you. 

Blocking someone on social media shows negativity and anger, so he’s refusing to want anything to do with you by blocking you altogether.

He doesn’t want anything to do with your social media posts, stories, or anything that’s connected to you. 

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After all, you only block your ex when you’re so consumed by hurt and anger that you’re left with no other choice.

Also, he doesn’t want to be updated with your life, just in case you end up dating before him. 

We all want to have the perception of “winning the breakup,” and we can only do that if we have no reminder of our ex whatsoever. 

2. He talks badly about you

This is a pretty evident indicator that he’s hurting after the break up. You see this all the time with an angry ex-boyfriend, trash-talking his ex. 

While this doesn’t reflect a good image of their relationship, it’s a normal part of the process of moving on.

He’s hurting so badly that his source of release is focusing on your bad qualities and quirks. 

It might seem cold-hearted and indifferent, but it’s the exact opposite. It shows all the pain he’s been repressing inside. 

He might blame the relationship on you or how you never deserved his love, and it’s just a way to make himself feel better about the breakup.

Especially when he misses you or is in denial he still loves you, expect one of the signs to talk so harshly about you that it seems like he never cared about you at all. 

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However, if you look closer, it’s a desperate attempt to release the heartbreak he’s been feeling. 

3. His habits prove it

showing his habits as a sign he is hurting after the break

There are two kinds of people in a breakup – one who focuses on improving themselves and destroys themselves.

We know just how difficult breakups can be, but that’s not an excuse to engage in self-sabotaging habits. 

So if you see him being more complacent in life, it’s one of the signs he is hurting after the break up.

Whether it’s losing friends, losing the will and motivation to keep moving forward, and falling into a state of depression, these are all indicators he’s more affected about the breakup than you think. 

He can’t find the willpower to keep pushing in his routine, so he ends up in a rut.

We’ve all experienced this one way or another, but his pain is more evident if a significant period has passed and he still hasn’t recovered.

4. He rebounded immediately

While the best way to get over someone is to find someone else, it can be harmful when you do it before you’re ever ready.

So one of the signs he is hurting after a break up is when he immediately seeks a rebound. 

Also, if you notice that he rebounds one girl after another, that’s when you know for sure he’s desperately finding a replacement for you in his life.

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It doesn’t matter if it’s not an actual relationship, just as long as it distracts the pain he’s feeling for a while. 

Breakups are tough, especially when you really love the person you were with.

So finding a rebound is a way of dealing with everything you don’t want to feel, including grief and loss. 

5. He’s impulsive

This is pretty typical behavior from anyone going through a breakup, but even more so if they’re hurting.

Impulsive behavior includes anger outbursts, vengeance, smothering you with attention, drunk calling or texting, or even contacting your new partner. 

He can’t control his emotions, especially his pain and heartbreak.

Everything feels too much for him to handle, so he resorts to impulsive and irrational behavior. 

If he’s already the type of person who’s impulsive by nature, this would double or triple when he’s hurting from a breakup.

If he truly was over the breakup and didn’t care at all, there’s no need to grab your attention desperately. 

6. He’s guilty

signs that he is hurting and feeling guilty after the breakup

Guilt is a pretty strong indicator…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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