11 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Communicating With You

Have you ever wondered about the signs your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you?

We all have spirit guides, from guardian angels to spirit animals.

They are there for us throughout our lives, watching over us, even if we are not in communication with them.

There are quite a few spirit guides signs of communication, and we may not notice them at first.

This can make us feel really alone and confused about our path in life.

However, once we know the signs, we are able to look out for our spirit guides and open up to them.

In this article, I will look at the most common signs your spirit guides are communicating with you, and what to do when you see these signs!

What is a Spirit Guide?

Firstly, let’s remind ourselves of what spirit guides actually are.

If you are active in new-age spiritual groups, you have probably heard the phrase time and time again.

But, you may have not really understood what spirit guides are.

Truthfully, there is no easy way to define spirit guides.

This is because there is a huge range of guides that we will meet during our lives.

Some spirit guides transcend the physical realm we experience, whereas others, such as spirit animals, will appear to us in a tangible form.

Some spirit guides are specific to us, such as our guardian angels.

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However, other spirit guides, such as ascended masters and archangels, are there for everyone and will only come to us in our time of need.

However, all spirit guides are there to help us on our spiritual path.

They want to guide and enlighten us, protecting us from evil and negativity.

11 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying to Communicate With You

signs your spirit guides are trying to communicate

Now we know what spirit guides are, we can look at the spirit guide’s signs of communication with you.

Our spirit guides will want to communicate with us when we are in need or want a bit of advice and encouragement.

1. Finding a White Feather

Feathers have long been associated with spirituality, and this is because our spirit guides will communicate with us in this way.

Feathers symbolize nature and freedom, and our spirit guides know that we will notice them in the world around us.

If you find a white feather in an unexpected place, you know that your spirit guides are near and want to communicate with you.

A white feather is usually a sign of encouragement from your spirit guides.

They know that you are on the right path in life and making the correct choices to progress.

Your spirit guides are wanting you to know not to give up.

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You have the strength to get through the worst times in order to get to the good.

Sometimes, we find white feathers when our deceased loved ones want us to know that they are okay.

When people pass to the other side, they can turn into spirit guides.

They will send out white feathers to us so we know that they are safe and still with us.

2. Ringing In Your Ear

Another common sign your spirit guides are communicating with you is if you are experiencing ringing in your ears.

Ringing in your ears will occur if you are connecting with a higher realm of consciousness, and this may be because your spirit guides are pushing through from this side in order to communicate with you.

The ringing in your ears may be short and high-pitched, and this is because your spirit guides are wanting to get your attention.

This ringing will often be in your right ear, as this side is typically associated with higher powers.

3. Seeing Sequences of Numbers

Spirit Guides Signs Of Communication

Are you seeing the same sequence of numbers over and over again?

You may be tempted to brush it off as a coincidence, but this is not the case!

Our spirit guides love to communicate with us by scattering sequences of numbers in the world around us that we will notice.

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According to numerology, every number has a specific vibration and spiritual meaning.

Because of this, our spirit guides will send us messages in the form of number sequences.

If you are seeing the same sequence of numbers repeatedly, read up on the numerological and spiritual meanings of the numbers to work out what your spirit guides are trying to tell you.

4. Seeing Sparks of Light and Colors

An amazing spirit guide’s sign of communication is seeing sparks of light or colors.

You may experience unusual sparks of light in the corner of your eye, or sparkles and flashes every so often.

This is because our spirit guides are an energetic presence, even if we cannot see them in their true form.

They also have the power to change the energy around us, and chose to do so in order to communicate with us.

Some spirit guides are linked with certain colors, and therefore will fill the universe with flashes of their specific colors.

5. Physical Sensations

Because our spirit…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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