11 Amazing Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You

Everyone knows what a soulmate is as we hear it all the time, but do you know what a twin flame is?

Both are often compared with one another, but your relationship with your twin flame is the most powerful connection you can have – even more powerful than a soulmate. 

Your twin flame is the literal definition of someone who mirrors your soul, which is what makes your connection so intense.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the signs your twin flame is thinking of you. 

11 Amazing Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You

Signs a twin flame is thinking of you

1. Seeing them in your dreams

If you’ve ever dreamt about your twin flame, it’s a sign your twin flame is thinking of you.

A twin flame bond is so powerful that even in your dreams, you’ll be dreaming of them. 

What’s even more remarkable about this is when you dream of your twin flame, most likely they are too.

It’s already known that you tend to dream of someone who thinks about you, but this is all the more true for your twin flame. 

Especially if you constantly dream of them, this is no longer a coincidence but a sign they’re thinking of you.

It’s also likely your twin flame will be dreaming of you the same time you are, which is further proof of that twin flame connection you both share. 

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2. You feel emotions of warmth and comfort

If you suddenly feel emotions of warmth and comfort hitting you randomly, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking of you.

It’s a feeling that will take you by surprise, especially as it comes during the times you least expect. 

When you’re feeling sad or down, it’s as if someone is comforting you through feelings of warmth. This is your twin flame connection taking place. 

Your twin flame is clearly thinking about you, and it’s the primary reason why you feel comforted all of a sudden.

Even when you’re miles apart, it’s as if they’re right beside you, reminding you to see the light when you’re sad.

This kind of connection is something you’ll only share with your twin flame and nobody else.

Even when you’re alone in a room, it’s like they’re beside you. You feel their calming and strong presence like you see them with your own eyes. 

3. You feel intense emotions that aren’t yours 

twin flame thinking of you sign

One of the characteristics of a twin flame connection is that you feel one another’s emotions, especially the intense ones.

Even from miles apart, you can feel what they feel as if it were your own. 

So one of the signs they’re thinking of you at that moment is when you feel the sudden rush of emotions that clearly aren’t your own.

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You might be busy doing nothing or hanging out with your friends and this extreme anxiety or fear hits you randomly. 

These aren’t yours, but they’re your twin flames. It’s an indicator that they’re thinking of you deeply. 

Twin flames share an energetic frequency, and it’s why you can feel one another’s emotions more intensely than any other person in both your lives.

So if your emotions tend to change, it could be one of the signs your twin flame is thinking of you. 

Sharing intense emotions is, in fact, one of the most known things about the divinity of a twin flame connection.

If you feel calm one minute and the next you feel anxiety, it could be an indicator your twin flame suddenly thought of you. 

4. A random surge of energy 

We’ve all experienced a random burst of energy before, where we want to do things out of the ordinary. However, this feeling is even more intense coming from your twin flame. 

You’re more productive than usual, and you want to try things you’ve never tried before.

This is because even from far away, your connection is so powerful and out of this world that you’d feel it in every fiber of your being when they’re thinking of you – and this goes both ways. 

See also  7 Amazing Signs You've Found Your Twin Flame

When one of you is thinking of the other, you will feel a burst of energy because of a telepathic communication you both share.

You won’t feel this kind of connection with anyone else, not even your soulmate. 

Again, a twin flame connection is the most powerful and divine connection you can feel, and this can be both a good and bad thing.

It’s because nobody will ever understand you the same way your twin flame will, but it’s also bad because the emotions that come with it can be intense and all-consuming. 

5. You have a strong gut feeling 

Your gut feeling is a strong indicator of things and most often, your gut instinct tends to be right.

So if your gut tells you that your twin flame is thinking about you and missing you, it’s probably right. 

A twin flame connection is a divine one, which means your relationship really is out of this world. So if your gut instinct is telling you that your twin flame’s thoughts are on you and only you, then it’s…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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