Soul Ties: What It Means & How To Break The Tie | Aglow Lifestyle

There are so many different kinds of spiritual relationships that we can have with people – soul mates, twin flames, and karmic relationships, just to name a few.

But there is another kind of relationship that many people don’t even realize they have – soul ties.

Soul ties are connections we form with other people through our thoughts, emotions, and physical interactions.

These connections can be positive or negative, but either way, they can have a very strong influence on our lives.

So what exactly are soul ties? And how can we break them if they are negative?

Keep reading to find out!

Key points:

  • To break a soul tie, you must set the intention, take steps to distance yourself and release the past.
  • A soul tie is created when two people are emotionally or spiritually connected.
  • The connection can be positive or negative but is typically stronger if it is negative
  • There are five steps to breaking a soul tie: identify, reflect, set intention, distance yourself, and forgive.

What is a soul tie?

At its core, a soul tie is essentially a spiritual connection between two people.

It is an invisible attachment that exists between two souls.

This connection is usually formed from a shared history or experience to intense feelings of closeness and love.

Soul ties can be positive or negative.

Although not impossible, it isn’t easy to break once a soul tie is formed.

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This is because the connection goes beyond the physical and emotional levels; it reaches into the spiritual realm. 

Soul ties are incredibly powerful because they can affect not only our emotions and thoughts but also our very identities.

Whether they help us to grow and thrive or limit our potential and hold us back, soul ties have the potential to shape every aspect of our lives.

Soul tie vs. soul mate – what’s the difference?

Most people hear the words “soul tie” and “soul mate” and assume they have similar meanings.

But there is a key difference between these two concepts:

While soul ties are formed through shared experiences or emotions, soul mates represent two individuals whose souls are actually connected.

Soul mates have a deep, innate understanding and connection with each other, often from the moment they meet.

Whereas soul ties are created through choice and the sharing of experiences and energy.

Types of soul ties – how they’re formed

There are 3 different kinds of soul ties, and they’re all created in different ways:


An emotional soul tie is formed when two people form a deep emotional connection, usually through sharing intense feelings and experiences.

There are positive and negative emotional soul ties.

Positive emotional ties are generally healthy and positive, creating a sense of unity and connection.

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They help keep you grounded, stick by your side during tough times, and make you feel loved and supported.

On the other hand, negative emotional soul ties can be harmful and toxic.

This kind of soul tie doesn’t have your best interests at heart and can be controlling or manipulative.


A physical soul tie is created when two people share a physical connection, usually through intercourse.

When you have intercourse with someone, you reveal every part of yourself – good and bad aspects of your personality, body, thoughts, and feelings.

This physical act creates a deep, spiritual connection between you and the other person.

When you have a physical soul tie with someone, you may feel a deep sense of intimacy and connection with that person, even if you don’t have an emotional connection.


As humans, we are social beings.

We need connection and interaction with others to thrive.

So it’s no surprise that soul ties can also be formed through social interactions.

A social soul tie is created when you have a strong, meaningful connection with someone – whether it’s a close friendship or a deep, romantic relationship.

This kind of soul tie can bring a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Social soul ties are my favorite kind of soul ties because they can be so positive and uplifting.

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9 signs you have a soul tie with someone

It can often be difficult to pinpoint whether or not you have a soul tie with someone.

However, there are certain signs that can help you to recognize this kind of connection and determine if it is something that needs to be addressed.

Below are 9 signs that you have a soul tie with someone:

1. You feel a deep connection between you both.

2.No matter how hard you try, you can’t shake their hold on you.

3. They feel familiar.

4. You pick up on their emotions and thoughts

5. You feel a special bond between you both.

6. They show up in your life when you need them most.

7. You have a strong desire to be around them.

8. When you’re apart, you feel an intense need to be reunited.

9. You can’t stop thinking about them.

How to break a soul tie

Breaking a soul tie can be challenging and complex since it requires careful consideration of your own psychology and the…

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