Soulmate vs Life Partner: A No BS Guide

As more and more people start meeting their Soulmates, there is an increasing interest in the topic of Soulmates and everything related to it.

Meeting your Soulmate is a wonderful experience – an experience that many people pray to have.

However, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies when you meet your Soulmate.

Your Soulmate is meant to help you grow spiritually- thus, inevitably they will put you in slightly difficult situations.

You and your Soulmate have signed a Soul Contract before incarnating in this life- a contract that states how you will meet and what will happen when you meet, in order to help each other grow spiritually.

However, there will be other relationships in your life that will shape you and will be very relevant to you – and which are not Soulmate relationships.

In this article, I will help you understand the main 5 differences between a Soulmate and a life partner so that you know what type of relationship you currently are in and how to handle its challenges in the best way possible.

Soulmate Versus Life Partner – What is the Difference?

Before talking about the main differences between a Soulmate vs Life Partner, I think the best thing to do is to define each of these terms.

A Soulmate is someone who shares the same Soul as you and comes from the same Soul Family.

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You share an undeniable and strong spiritual connection with them, that makes your relationship unique and you tend to meet them throughout incarnations to play various roles in each other’s life 

With a Soulmate, you can be lovers in one life, parent-child in another, and best friends in another.

Basically, you will experience a multitude of roles together and will help each other learn many important spiritual lessons.

In contrast, a life partner is someone with whom the spiritual connection is not as strong as it is with your Soulmate, but their purpose in your life is mainly romantic.

They have come into your life to fulfill their role as a stable romantic partner, and will probably offer you a lot of guidance and support, but things will not be as intense and passionate as they are with your Soulmate.

This person’s presence can be temporary if we think about the broader picture of all your incarnations – you will not encounter them as much as you encounter your Soulmate.

However, you and your life partner have a Divine Mission together – to share a romantic and stable connection that will help both of you understand important lessons about life and love.

If you have met them in previous incarnations or will meet them in future ones, most likely the relationship will be romantic – or if you’ve wronged them in another life, then it will be a karmic life partner relationship.

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Now that I’ve explained what is a Soulmate and what is a life partner, let’s have a look at the 5  main differences between a Soulmate and a life partner. 

Soulmate vs Life Partner – The Main 5 Differences

Soulmate vs Life Partner

If you’re trying to understand whether your current partner is a Soulmate or a life partner, I suggest that you a look at the following 5 differences:

1. The intensity of the connection

If you suspect your partner could also be your Soulmate, the first thing to analyze is the intensity of your relationship.

A Soulmate relationship will definitely be more intense than a life partner relationship because the energetic bond between Soulmates is usually very strong.

WIth a Soulmate, you will have a lot in common and you will experience a strong sense of belonging and feeling at home when you are with them.

This will make you feel addicted to them and you will miss them a lot when they are not with you.

Also, with a Soulmate, you will go through various difficult or challenging situations that you two decided to experience together before being born.

Another thing that will make your relationship with a Soulmate very intense is the telepathy you will experience and the strong intuitions you will have about them.

To put it short, a Soulmate relationship is felt in a very intense way and is very different from a life partner relationship or any other relationship.

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2. The similarity between you two

Another thing that makes a Soulmate relationship stand out from other relationships is the fact that when you first meet a Soulmate you will be amazed to see how many things you have in common.

As you come from the same Soul family, you will be very similar in many aspects – taste, habits, life values, and so on.

Also, when you share your life story with them you will be amazed to discover how many life experiences you have in common – because the Universe has put you through the same challenges and difficulties, most likely because you have similar lessons to learn.

In contrast, a life partner could be…


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