Third Eye Chakra Stones: 13 Crystals for Intuition, Wisdom, & Awakenin

INSIDE: The third eye chakra is the energy center that governs the mind and our psychic connection. Balancing it with third eye chakra stones helps us to tap into universal wisdom and inspiration.

The third eye chakra is the sixth energy center in the body. It is located between the eyebrows.

It manages our intellect, insight, and intuition. Everything that involves thought, inspiration, and psychic connection comes through this chakra.

The third eye is the spiritual center of our energy system. It works together with the rational mind to create intuitive intellect so that we can see beyond the veil. In this way, it helps us move beyond illusions to what is real and what really matters.

This energy center is associated with the colors indigo and purple and with the supreme element, which contains all of the other elements in their purest form. 

Color – Purple, Indigo

Element – Supreme Element (all elements combined in their purest form), Extra-Sensory Perception

Main Functions – Intuition, Wisdom, Insight, Intellect, Clairvoyance, Vision, Perception of Energy, Access to Altered States of Consciousness, Inspiration, Imagination, Awakening

Areas of the Body – Eyes, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Brain, Base of Skull, Brow

What You Need to Know About the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra governs our intuition, psychic powers, and higher knowing. It attunes us to the universe and allows us to tap into its wisdom; therefore, it manages our levels of insight, inspiration, and imagination.

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Otherwise known as the brow chakra, the third eye chakra serves as our inner eye and it perceives the subtle energies around us.

It sees beyond the physical senses and provides us with our sixth sense, allowing us to develop clairvoyant visions and granting us access to altered states of consciousness.

It also determines how open our mind is and how well it functions in terms of intellect, clarity of thought, and decision-making. It governs the psychological aspects of the self, including our beliefs, attitudes, and our psyche.

This is the chakra we use for self reflection. It is our inner guidance system, giving us access to universal wisdom and truths.

Third Eye Chakra Infographic

We observe the world from this center and when we are tuned into it, we can see ourselves clearly. It’s how we are able to see and understand our shortcomings, the ways we judge, assume, and play the victim, as well as our insecurities and the roles we play.

When we experience an awakening, we experience it here. Through the awakening, our sense of identity is challenged, which can be difficult. If you have a solid foundation and have worked through the issues relating to the lower chakras first, you will have an easier time in your third eye awakening.

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What a Balanced Third Eye Chakra Looks Like

When the third eye chakra is in balance, we are able to transcend the duality of “me verses the world” and move into unity with all that is. This allows us to detach from illusions and see beyond physical perception.

Your ability to engage in mindfulness and self-reflection will increase and you’ll be able to understand the deeper meanings of what is taking place in your life.

You’ll be able to ascend above the limitations of your mind and release limiting beliefs and fears. You’ll realize that misfortunes and mistakes are lessons to learn from and that death is not the end.

A balanced third eye chakra helps you to be aware that change is inevitable and necessary in the cycle of life, so you’ll find it easier to embrace new beginnings.

You’ll find yourself achieving goals that are in alignment with your soul purpose. Life will feel meaningful and you’ll have an increased sense of emotional stability and spiritual confidence.

Your psychic abilities and intuition will flourish and you’ll be able to view the world from a wider perspective with a balance of emotion and reason.

Chakra Healing Gemstones

What an Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra Looks Like

When the third eye chakra is off kilter, your life will likely be led by fears and limiting beliefs. You’ll be unable to discern between thoughts that are led by higher consciousness and those that are led by fear and illusion. Your beliefs will feel like reality.

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A blocked third eye makes it next to impossible to see the big picture in life and to be able to tap into your spiritual and psychic abilities. In fact, you’re likely to close your mind and reject anything outside of your five senses.

As a result, you won’t be able to see a way out of your current issues. You might indulge in fantasies as your life lacks meaning. You’ll find it hard to gain clarity in your life and to have a vision for your life purpose.

An unbalanced third eye makes us unwilling to look within and become the master over our shadow self. We don’t want to accept the truth about ourselves
and we fear criticism from others. It causes us to feel stuck and unable to move forward in our lives.

Symptoms of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

It’s probably clear by now that when the third…

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