Top 12 Crystals for Sex, Intimacy, Romance & Libido | Cosmic Cuts

INSIDE: Whether you want to spark up more romance or passion, increase the intimacy between you and your partner, or boost your libido, these crystals for sex can help! 


We are all sexual beings. It is part of who we are as physical and spiritual beings, and it is crucial for our health.

It is not surprising that a study published by Healthline has shown that sex can be as beneficial as cardio!

Sometimes, however, we fail to recognize the importance of having a balanced sexual life, and oftentimes, we feel blocked and lack passion.

Improve Intimacy & Libido With These 12 Crystals for Sex

One of the best ways to improve your sexual health and intimacy is to use crystals for sex.

Here’s a video about a few of these healing stones

If you’re looking for natural ways to raise your vibration and bring more passion into your life, you’re in the right place.

Let’s look at 12 amazing crystals for sex. Thy’ll help you enjoy a healthy sexual life that is rich with intimacy, passion, and romance.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper

If you’re looking for ways to bring more passion into your life, Red Jasper is a crystal for you. It can help us extract raw energy from the Root Chakra, and therefore, bring back a zest for life.

Because it is a revitalizing stone, it ignites erotic energy within us. This way, our sexual energy gets naturally revived and we in turn become more magnetic to others. Then, we can bring more pleasure and passion into our relationships.

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This makes Red Jasper a great crystal for those who want to renew the spark in their relationship or discover new passions.

Red Tiger’s Eye

Red Tiger's Eye

Although it is often known as a soothing and balancing crystal, Red Tiger’s Eye is also a stone of passion. It grounds sexual energy and helps remove sexual blocks that prevent us from enjoying physical connection and sensuality.

Red Tiger’s Eye is one of the crystals for sex that boosts sex drive and heals and improves our sexual connection with our partner.

Through first grounding and making us feel safe in our own skin and then re-energizing us, it helps us explore sexuality and heal our sexual body. All of this makes it one of the top aphrodisiac stones.

Unakite Jasper

Unakite Jasper

Unakite Jasper is an ideal stone for those looking to bring lovemaking to another level. Through helping us connect with the Heart Chakra, this crystal helps us release emotional blocks and trauma that prevent us from fully enjoying a sexual relationship.

Because it connects us with our heart space, we are able to trust our partner and freely give in to sensual pleasures, knowing we are loved and protected.

This is also one of the sex crystals that can strengthen marriages and relationships by inviting more intimate moments, both emotionally and physically.

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The unique vibration of Serpentine has the power to bring back lust for life for those who need it. This is a crystal that supports kundalini activation and can change our sexual energy at the core level.

Because of this power, Serpentine can introduce us to tantric sex and enhance our sensibility to pleasant stimuli, simultaneously cleansing our energetic body from fears that drain our life force.

By clearing our chakra blockages, Serpentine also improves performance in bed, creating a perfect stage for healthy, earthly sex.

Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper

This is one of the crystals for sex that boosts physical energy and drive, directly impacting our libido. Yellow Jasper is known to boost stamina and maximize physical performance, allowing us to make love longer and feel great about it every time.

Because it strengthens our self-confidence, we are able to feel better about ourselves and our sexuality, and this reflects in our intimate relationships. Its healing vibration can help us embrace who we are as sexual beings, feel confident and desirable.



Carnelian brings warmth, closeness, and pleasure back into our lives. It is a rather fiery stone that is known for helping us reconnect with our Root and Sacral Chakra, which in turn awakens our desire.

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This is a stone that ignites passionate love; therefore, carrying it with us can help attract fervent, yet healthy intimate relationships.

Carnelian is one of the sex stones that are great for improving physical endurance and fertility, which makes it a perfect stone for increasing libido and conceiving. 

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz can be a real game-changer for those who struggle with low libido and feel restricted in expressing their sexuality.

Thanks to its ability to reintroduce us to our sexual nature, Smoky Quartz teaches us that sexuality is an integral part of our being. It teaches us that experiencing pleasure is important for our wellbeing and it helps us find ways to express our urges in balanced and safe ways.

That way, Smoky Quartz reminds us that we are not separate from our needs and that our sexuality is not opposed to spirituality, but aligned with it.



When low sex drive, apathy, or lack of intimacy become part…

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