Twin Flame Dreams Before Reunion: What Does It Mean?

Everyone dreams about their soul partner, some dream about reuniting with their twin flame in a dream.

Have you had a dream about reuniting with your soul partner?

What can dreams tell us spiritually?

Dreams give us insight into our spiritual path and the connections we form with other souls.

Remember, your dreams will always have other people in them, whether you know them or not.

If you’re dreaming about someone specific, it’s an indication that they are on your mind.

This can be true about your twin flame who you have yet to meet in this life.

Normally dreams will reflect what is going on in your life, especially when you are connecting with many people in your daily life.

Your subconscious also shows your past, present, and possibly some insight into your future, although it can be vague.

It can be hard to decipher what your dreams mean at first, but you will get better with time!

Write down your dreams when you have them and think about what they could mean.

And see if you can notice any patterns, places, or people that keep appearing.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t know what your dreams mean; over time they will become clearer to you!

Twin Flames And Soulmates

It’s also important to note that twin flames are completely different from soulmates.

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Soulmates can be someone in your family, a friend, or someone you have a physical relationship with.

A twin flame is your soul partner in the metaphysical world, it’s something quite mystical in nature.

They can incarnate in the physical reality within your timeline or another lifetime.

Soul partners existing in the same reality is quite rare, in fact, it’s very rare.

Soul partners are there to help you ascend, not only into the higher levels of your consciousness but also in physicality.

Soulmates come into play for various reasons.

One being that they teach us lessons and experiences we must go through before ascending our consciousness.

Dreaming about your Twin Flame, What does it mean?

What could dreaming about your soul partner mean?

Could it mean you are finally ready to open your heart to that special person?

Or, does this dream mean that your twin flame is close by or even with you now.

If you truly believe it’s your twin flame, then it’s possible you are connecting with them, because soul connections are metaphysical.

It would make sense if you are connecting with them.

However, before jumping to conclusions that it’s your twin flame.

The dream could simply mean that the person is similar to what you want for yourself and this is why you have this dream.

There are many explanations, but one thing is certain that they all offer a clue to the future of who may come into your life soon.

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It’s always best to keep an open mind and heart when having these dreams.

After all, it could simply be a sign pointing you in the right direction.Soulmates

Soul Contracts And Energy bonds

Since you have soul contracts and energy bonds with your twin flame and other soul family members.

It’s possible that your dream is related to one or more of these important connections you have in this life.

Perhaps, they are trying to tell you something?

After having dreams about your twin flame it’s the perfect time for self-reflection and learning how to truly love yourself before loving someone else.

The dreams of your twin flame might also be a sign pointing you in the right direction.

To look at where you are missing love, lack self-acceptance, or need to work on loving yourself more.

When The dreams Intensify

When the dreams become more intense and frequent with your twin flame, then it means a physical reunion is near.

Try to remember as much as you can from the dreams.

It’s very important to pay attention because this could be your subconscious trying to tell you something through symbols and numbers.

The more information you have the better.

You might want to write down your dreams in a journal and whether you were aware of it or not, the number 11 or 1111 will probably play an important role in many cases.

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Why The Number Eleven?

The number eleven is one that has been around for quite some time in regards to twin flame connections.  

This could be for a reason.

It could be that you and your twin flame have been together before in other lifetimes or it’s simply because the universe wants to give you an extra push to take action now.

The number eleven is given as a sign, either consciously or subconsciously for this very reason:

To make sure what we desire (twin flame) comes into our reality.

In other words, it’s a sign from the universe that what you desire is coming to fruition.Number Eleven

Can I Initiate Twin Flame Dreams?

Twin flame dreams are a wonderful source of support, comradeship, and love, so it’s natural to desire them.

Fortunately, you can initiate these meetings with your twin flame by setting the intentions to do so.

In order to manifest twin flame dreams that serve both people in a positive way, it’s important to be…

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