7 Remarkable Signs Of The Twin Flame Runner Chaser Dynamic

Meeting your twin flame will change your life.

The connection is deeply spiritual, and the love felt can be extremely intense.

But, did you know that there are eight different stages of being reunited with your soul’s other half?

One of these stages is the Twin Flame Runner Chaser and in this article, we will look at what this is and how you might know that this is the stage you and your twin flame are at. 

What Is A Twin Flame?

When reincarnation happens, it splits the soul in half.

Two halves are then put in two different bodies, and there will be a feeling of something missing until the two halves are reunited. 

You may have already met your twin flame and know who they are, or you may still be searching. 

When you meet your twin flame, there is an overwhelming sense of longing and love.

You will be drawn to this person, and this might be confusing and scary!

This intense connection can be weird at first, especially if you are the kind of person who keeps people at arm’s length. However, it is important to let your twin flame in. 

Your relationship with this person will teach you a lot of things.

You will go on a spiritual journey with them and you will learn and grow together. 

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What Is The Twin Flame Runner Chaser Dynamic?

The Twin Flame Runner Chaser Dynamic

There are eight stages to reuniting with your twin flame. The chasing stage is the sixth stage, after your initial meeting, relationship, and fallout.

The fifth stage is of crisis where the relationship is put to the test and you ultimately fall out. 

This is because of the intensity of the relationship and because your twin flame is a mirror of you. This means that they make you see yourself for who you really are and this can be overwhelming. 

This stage can last years, but sooner or later you and your twin flame will go onto the sixth stage, which is the chasing stage. 

This stage is when either you or your twin flame realize the importance of the relationship and pursue the other person.

The chase can also last a long time and this depends on the maturity of the souls involved. 

The Chaser Explained 

The chaser is the person of the relationship who realizes that they need the other person in their life.

They will get into contact with their twin flame and pursue a relationship, 

The time apart from their twin flame has made them grow personally and dealt with the issues that caused the fall out in the first place. They will be at a deeper understanding of themselves, their soul, and their twin flame relationship. 

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The Runner Explained

The runner in the dynamic is the person who rejects the olive branch and friendship that the chaser is attempting to give them.

They run away and hide from the relationship and this is because they are scared of the intensity of the connection. 

The runner might turn to other people or ways to distract themselves such as alcohol and partying. 

Sometimes the runner needs to run. They also need time to themselves to develop spiritually and work on any personal problems that might get in the way of the relationship.

Their soul needs to also grow separately until they are ready to reconnect. 

It is extremely important to know that this dynamic is intense and overwhelming, but cheating, abuse, or harassment is never a part of the chaser runner dynamic. If a person behaves badly and without respect towards you, they are not your twin flame. 

7 Signs Of The Twin Flame Runner Chaser Stage

Man and woman experiencing the runner chaser stage

This stage can be extremely exhausting for both of the people involved.

There are a lot of different ways in which this stage manifests, however, I will discuss seven common signs of being in the twin flame runner chaser stage. 

1. Bad Habits 

If you are in the twin flame runner chaser stage, you might succumb to taking up bad habits as a way of distracting yourself from the relationship.

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Both the runner and the chaser might experience this as being separated from each other is too overwhelming. 

Drinking, smoking, partying, or eating junk food are all ways in which a runner or a chaser might distract themselves. 

Being apart from your twin flame can feel horrific, with intense feelings of regret and disappointment.

This pushes both the runner and the chaser to find comfort where they can, however brief or unhealthy this comfort might be. 

2. Returning To An Ex

When you are in a twin flame runner chaser dynamic, this wish to seek comfort does not just stop at bad habits.

Many people who are going through this stage might return to an ex-partner, attempting to be okay with what came before the twin flame relationship. 

Of course, when you experience a twin flame relationship, whatever came before does not match up to the connection.

Going back to an old relationship may seem a good idea at the time, however, you soon…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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