Understanding Twin Flame Separation Pain + 5 Steps To Feeling Better

Twin Flame separation pain is one of the most important steps in the Twin Flame journey, yet, one of the most difficult and challenging.

If you have been through this stage already or currently are, you know exactly how excruciatingly painful can be.

In order to get to this stage and to move on towards the next stage of your Twin Flame journey, it’s essential to understand why this pain occurs and to know what can help you feel better. 

What Is Twin Flame Separation Pain?

Twin Flame separation pain is the pain that you feel after the rosy and all-happy stage of your relationship has ended, and you and your Twin Flame have gone through the quarrel and broke up.

This stage is inevitable, and is a major part of the Twin Flame journey. It plays a decisive role.

Also, to see it from a positive viewpoint, this is the first step towards the reunion!

Understanding Twin Flame Separation Pain

Woman with twin flame separation pain

Everyone at the stage of Twin Flame separation pain is first asking themselves why they have to go through this.

When you are in the midst of the Twin Flame separation pain, it’s natural to ask yourself this question. After all, this might be one of the hardest things you experience in life.

The answer is that in this stage, all of your wounds and aspects that need healing will surface.

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Thus, the Twin Flame separation pain is the perfect occasion for you to start working on yourself and become a better, more aligned version of yourself. 

In the stage of Twin Flame separation pain, there are very high chances that you will also find your life purpose, or you will find a path that is highly beneficial for you in the long run.

Following your path or achieving your life purpose, will bring you great satisfaction and will help you be in alignment with your higher-self.

The Twin Flame relationship and especially the Twin Flame pain are triggers for your spiritual journey of growth, evolution and self-discovery.

The ultimate purpose of this is self-achievement, so, even if at this stage it really doesn’t feel like it, you could actually be grateful for meeting your Twin Flame and embarking on this challenging journey. 

Symptoms Of Twin Flame Separation Pain

Man with twin flame separation pain

Twin Flame separation pain manifests differently for every person, but there are several common symptoms.

These will help you be clear on whether what you are experiencing is Twin Flame separation pain, and if so, will be the confirmation that you need to start and do the healing. 

The main symptoms of Twin Flame separation pain are: 

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Intense emotional pain

The negative emotion that you are experiencing at the moment is beyond the simple sadness you experience during a random break-up.

It’s an intense, heart-breaking pain that can leave you feeling terrible and unable to do much.

Dramatically, it kind of feels like someone has ripped out your heart and soul – that is because the person you just broke up with was your other half.


This emotional pain can turn into depression at some point. If this happens, don’t worry about it, it is totally normal.

This happens because meeting your Twin Flame and reuniting with the other half of your soul gave you a sense of purpose and completion, which you have now lost.

But it doesn’t have to be like that – you don’t need to lose your sense of purpose and completion.

You can use this pain as a catalyst to find your own purpose and start feeling complete on your own – and then you will attract your Twin Flame back to you.

Separation Sickness

Separation sickness can cause a variety of physical symptoms, such as chest pain, stomach ache, and indigestion, sexual impotence, or just pain and discomfort in various parts of your body.

All these fall under the category of somatic symptoms – most of them are not real illnesses at first, they are caused by your mental torment.

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However, I do recommend seeing a doctor if any of these symptoms get worse because sometimes the body needs physical aid for such somatic symptoms to disappear.

Feelings Of Confusion

At first, after you’ve just separated from your Twin Flame you might feel confused and lost.

Pretty much like you’re not sure what to do next, or like your sense of purpose has somehow been altered.

Don’t worry about this because it will pass, as soon as you start healing and understanding your Twin Flame journey, and it will actually lead towards finding your life purpose. 

5 Steps To Feeling Better From Twin Flame Separation Pain

woman feeling better from  her twin flame separation pain

Even though the pain of separation is quite intense, there are certain things that you can do to start feeling better.

Remember, this journey is meant to help you grow and evolve spiritually, not to destroy you.

This means that the sun will start shining again if you allow it to. If you want to start feeling better,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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